


South Ossetian delegation left for Geneva to participate in the 7th round of consultations on secuirty in the Caucasus

South Ossetian delegation left for Geneva to participate in the 7th round of consultations on secuirty in the Caucasus, reported the Head of South Ossetian Delegation, Special Representative for Post-Conflict Settlement, Boris Chochiev. According to him, "the seventh round of consultations on stability in South Caucasus (Geneva discussions), which will take place on 17 September, will focus on security and humanitarian issues".
"We have prepared a number of important issues, which the security of our state from Saakashvili's regime is bound to. There is also a range of humanitarian issues, including the problem of refugees and displaced persons", said Chochiev.

Thu, 17/09/2009 - 11:33

Russia concluded an agreement on military cooperation with South Ossetia and Abkhazia

Russia has signed in Moscow agreements on military cooperation with South Ossetia and Abkhazia. The agreements envisage establishment of military bases in these Republics. The agreements were signed by the RF Defense Minister Anatoly Serdukov and South Ossetia and Abkhazia's Defense Ministers Yury Tanaev and Merab Kishmaria. The event was reported to RES Agency in phone conversation with South Ossetian Defense Minister Yury Tanaev.
According to him, the agreement was concluded for 49 years with default prolongation for another 5 years. The agreements provide for the possibility to construct, use and improve the infrastructure of military bases on the territories of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, as well as for creation of joint troops for actions both in times of war and peace.


Mon, 14/09/2009 - 18:30

Geneva Co-Chairmen met with authorities of South Ossetia

The Delegation of Geneva Co-Chairmen arrived in South Ossetia, including the EU Envoy Pierre Morel, the OSCE Chairman-in-Office Special Representative Charalampos Christopoulos, UN Secretary General' Special Representative Johann Verbeke, Deputy Director of the UNHCR Udo Janz and others. In Tskhinval, the delegation met with the RSO Foreign Minister Murat Djioev, Special Representative for Post-Conflict Settlement Boris Chochiev, and others.

Mon, 14/09/2009 - 18:28

Elbrus Kargiev: "It is time to recognize that the peoples of South Ossetia and Abkhazia had suffered through their right to determine their own fate"

Question: On 10 September, the President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez stated that his country recognizes the sovereignty of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Your comment.

Elbrus Kargiev, Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary of the RF in South Ossetia: The statement of Hugo Chavez, the President of Venezuela, on recognition of independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia – is an important political event.
I had repeatedly stated that the recognition of new South Caucasus states by international community is the process the first stages of which we are facing now.
The development of South Ossetia and Abkhazia as states with developing democracy is giving the grounds to the progressive world leaders to make a similar step forward. It is time to recognize that the peoples of South Ossetia and Abkhazia had suffered through their right to deterime their own fate. Russia and Nicaragua showed this understanding already in August and September last year.

UN Secretary General's Special Representative: UN General Assembly and UN itself are different things

The opinion of the UN General Assembly might not coincide with the position of the whole organization, stated the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General Johann Verbeke commenting on the General Assembly's Resolution on return of refugees to Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Verbeke underlined that UN General Assembly and concretely the UN as such are different things: "The position of the General Assembly does not imply the position of the whole organization. Though we are members to the UN, each one of us reserves the right to work and help people whenever they are".


Mon, 07/09/2009 - 10:05

The Contract on natural gas supplies from Russia to South Ossetia is signed

The Russian company GAZPROM and South Ossetian “Energetika” signed a contract on supplies of natural gas from Russia to South Ossetia. As reported by the acting first deputy Prime-Minister of South Ossetia Khasan Pliev, the contract was signed on 3 September.
“The contract envisages the price of 7,26 RUR per cubic meter. It is cheaper than the price for gas received through Georgia. In January 2009, the price was 13,8 RUR per cubic meter. Hence, for the South Ossetian budget, the price is more than 6 RUR per cubic meter cheaper than before”, said Pliev. He added that anther important aspect is the sustainability of supplies directly from Russia.

Mon, 07/09/2009 - 10:04

A Georgian journalist and his family are seeking asylum in South Ossetia

Georgian journalist Levan Gudadze with his family is seeking asylum in South Ossetia. As reported by the mother of the journalist Roza Bichikashvili, they decided to leave Georgia because of threats against her son for his journalist work. “Levan had led three informational web-pages in Tbilisi, which were one by one closed by the authorities. He received phone calls and letters with threats and therefore, we decided to leave the country”, said Bichikashvili.

Mon, 07/09/2009 - 10:03

Vadim Brovtsev: New staffing policy in South Ossetia is oriented at young specialists

Recently, the Chairman of the RSO Government Badim Brovtsev held a session on new staffing policy in South Ossetia. The session was attended by the executive staff of the Government. During this session, the Prime-Minister underlined that it was necessary to reorient the staffing policy to young specialists. Eleonora Bedoev, the acting Minister for Youth, Sports and Tourism commented on this decision of the new Government: “For 18 year, the young people were fighting for freedom with arms in their hands. The youth played a significant role in the struggle for recognized independence of the Republic of South Ossetia. Today, the new leadership of South Ossetia stakes on youth and I am sure that this youth will justify this trust and will build up the ruined state.

Mon, 07/09/2009 - 10:02

A meeting of working groups held at the South Ossetian-Georgian border

On 3 September, a preparatory meeting of the working groups within the frames of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM) was held at the South Ossetian-Georgian border. As the head of the South Ossetian Delegation Merab Chigoev underlined, “official meetings were suspended upon the initiative of the South Ossetian side due to unsettled issues of the meetings’ presidency and the fate of South Ossetian citizens detained by Georgian special services”.
”These are three citizens who were abducted in October 2008 from their villages in Tskhinval and Znaur districts. No progress in these issues induced our decision to suspend our participation in official meetings. Nonetheless, with the repeated addresses from the Co-Chairmen of the Geneva discussions and the appeal of the Russian MFA, we resumed these contacts but in the format of preparation for official meetings”, said Chigoev.
