

Mon, 24/08/2009 - 11:00

Vadim Brovtsev assessed the situation in Djava district of South Ossetia

Vadim Brovtsev, the Chairman of the RSO Government paid a visit to Djava district of South Ossetia to assess the situation on the ground. He visited the “BAGIATA” Mineral Water Plant and the Crushing Plant. He was satisfied with the results and underscored that these plants had a promising potential for development. “To increase the production, it is planned to install additional capacities at BAGIATA plant in October”, said Brovtsev.

Mon, 24/08/2009 - 10:56

David Sanakoev: South Ossetian can be effective and reliable member of international community

26 August – Day of Recognition of South Ossetia
David Sanakoev, Human Rights Commissioner of South Ossetia
It has been a year since Georgia’s treacherous attack against our state, since the horrific events shocking the whole world. As a results, we have been recognized, and I can tell now that South Ossetia is not a part of Georgia any more and it will never be again. Despite all difficulties which we encounter on our path to development of our statehood, the Republic had achieved certain success in the reconstruction of the economy destroyed by the war. Certainly, we still have to accomplish much more and for this, we need consolidation; this will ease and speed up the processes of our Republic’s revival.

Mon, 24/08/2009 - 10:40

A Field Hospital Deployed in Leningor District

Today, a field hospital has been deployed in Leningor district of South Ossetia. Here, medical staff of the Central Clinical Military Hospital of the RF FSB and Russian Center for Emergency Medicare “Zaschita” of the RF Ministry for Healthcare and Social Welfare are working. The hospital is a run within the frames of the humanitarian action “Mutual Assistance. Cooperation. Security.” of the RF FSB Border guard Service.


Fri, 21/08/2009 - 10:14

Summer Camp for Vulnerable Children in Kvaisa Ended its Work

Today, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is closing its Summer Camp for Vulnerable Children in Kvaisa. Thirty children aged 10 to 15 rested for ten days in the surroundings of the Djava district.
"In times of war, children are the most vulnerable group. The ICRC Summer Camp has gathered children, who belong to displaced families residing in collective centers in Tskhinval. These are children suffering from war-related stresses and other negative consequences of armed conflict," says Marina Tedeti, the ICRC Spokeswoman in Tskhinval.


Thu, 20/08/2009 - 11:01

New administration of Leningor district appointed

Upon the President’s Decree, new administration of Leningor district was appointed. As reported by the President’s Administration, the decree was signed on 17 August 2009.
”Upon the President’s Decree, Alan Djussoev was appointed as the Head of Administration of Leningor district and Alexander Baratashvili, as the Deputy Head of Administration” reads the report.


Wed, 19/08/2009 - 16:21

Eduard Kokoity held a meeting with the Government of South Ossetia

The President of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity held a meeting with the Government. The meeting started with reports of law enforcement and defense structures informing about the security situation in the Republic over the past week.
According to Defense Minister Yury Tanaev, no visible evidences of aggression planned against South Ossetia have been observed.
“In the meantime, at all 45 Georgian checkpoints located along the borderline with South Ossetia, fortification activities were intensified”, said Tanaev. Acting Emergency Situations Minister Anatoly Bibilov reported that demining works were carried out in South Ossetia on territories occupied by Georgia before August 2008.
“We have the necessary equipment and today the demining activities are starting”, said Bibilov.

Wed, 19/08/2009 - 15:33

Merab Chigoev: Misinterpretation of information by the Georgian side casts doubts on the necessity to hold meetings of the working groups

The information spread by the Georgian side that during the preparatory meeting within the frames of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM) in Dvani on 14 August “the Ossetian side confirmed that the fire was opened from the Ossetian side” does not correspond to reality.
“I would like to state that such misinterpretation of the counterpart’s words does not help in lifting the tensions at the borderline and casts doubts on the necessity to hold the working groups’ meetings”, stated Merab Chigoev, the Deputy Special Representative for Post-Conflict Settlement.

Wed, 19/08/2009 - 15:32

South Ossetia and Russia signed an Agreement on mutual protection of investments

A delegation of the RF Ministry for Economic Development is visiting South Ossetia. As reported by South Ossetian Minister of Economic Development Igor Beppiev, “the two Ministries of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation signed an agreement on mutual protection of investments”. The meeting’s discussion had focused on issues related to protection of interests of the sides, which in the future would be able to conclude agreements on investments.

Wed, 19/08/2009 - 15:29

Eduard Kokoity: “We should make all efforts possible to ensure stability in the Caucasus”

The RSO President Eduard Kokoity received a delegation of People’s Assembly of Dagestan headed by Aitemir Satiraev. Eduard Kokoity expressed his gratitude for support and assistance provided to South Ossetia during the tragic events of August 2008. He also expressed his satisfaction with the high standard work of constructors from Dagestan engaged in reconstruction process in South Ossetia. He stressed that all works had been done promptly.
The President expressed his appreciation of the help provided by Dagestan to the people of South Ossetia during the first days of Georgia’s aggression. “We are friendly people and should do our best to establish peace in the Caucasus. Your visit here creates solid grounds for our further relations. The leadership of South Ossetia will do everything to strengthen the relations between our people. We can see today that you are not in an easy situation but still, you are helping us”, said Eduard Kokoity.

Wed, 19/08/2009 - 15:28

RSO Parliament Presidium sitting

A sitting of the RSO Parliament Presidium chaired by Stanislav Kochiev, the Speaker, took place. The sitting was opened by Stanislav Kochiev who insisted that local media is informed on a quarterly basis about the MPs’ attendance. Then, the MPs proceeded with discussing the agenda.
The first point for discussion was the Law “On ratification of the 1st additional protocol to the Treaty between South Ossetia and Transdnestria on friendship and cooperation signed in Tskhinval on 16 June 2009”. Yury Dzitsoity, the Parliament vice-Speaker spoke on the issue. He stressed that despite the fact that Transdnestria had not recognized South Ossetia and Abkhazia “we will continue our cooperation, both at political and economic levels, as well as in other spheres.” It was decided to ratify the Treaty at the next session of the RSO Parliament.
