

Tue, 19/02/2008 - 12:40

Murat Tkhostov: «it’s high time to create a new climate of interrelations»

M. E. Tkhostov head of the Joint Control Commission (JCC) on Georgian-Ossetian conflict settlement from North-Ossetian part answered IA “Res” question.
Question: Recently there were disclosed the President of the Republic of South Ossetia E. D. Kokoity’s proposals directed at the reanimation of the negotiation process which found understanding and positive response in Moscow. New Government in Georgia was formed after the presidential elections and regular foreign policy initiatives declared and finally the independence of Kosovo was declared yesterday. How can you, as a representative of one of the sides of JCC, comment the situation over South Ossetia in the light of the last events?


Mon, 18/02/2008 - 16:34

Znaur Gassiev: «Kosovo’s declaration of independence enhances the probability of international recognition of South Ossetia»

«For the bases of their geopolitics western states laid the policy of dictates, conducting it strenuously and with great potential, not always successfully but nonetheless effectively»- stated the Republic of South Ossetia Chairman of Parliament Znaur Gassiev while commenting the situation about Kosovo to IA «Res» correspondent.


Thu, 14/02/2008 - 16:13

Alan Kotaev: “The situation with water supply in Tskhinval remains crucial”

The situation with water supply of the capital of The Republic of South Ossetia remains critical. As the Tskhinval deputy mayor Alan Kotaev informed IA “Res” correspondent in the capital of Republic was developed critical situation.
“We are bending every effort to improve the situation. A decision of regulating of water supply to Djava region has been made, in order to enhance water flow to Tskhinval.



Tue, 12/02/2008 - 18:06

Mikhail Mindzaev: “Georgian mass media are disseminating anti-ossetian materials without fail”

“Georgian mass media are waging an information war against Republic of South Ossetia accusing us in all negative phenomena in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict zone and beyond it”- IA “Res” correspondent was informed by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia Mikhail Mindzaev, while commenting a TV “Mze” article published on Russian IA “Rosbalt”: “The Russian Public Prosecutor’s Office may detain Eduard Kokoity”.

Tue, 12/02/2008 - 15:12

Eduard Kokoity sent a letter of congratulation to RF Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on the occasion of the Day of diplomatic worker

The President of the Republic of Sout6h Ossetia E. D. Kokoity sent a letter of congratulation to RF Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on the occasion of the Day of diplomatic worker. It is particularly said in the telegram: “I am testifying my high consideration to You and have the honour to send You sincere compliments on the occasion of the Day of diplomatic worker of Russian Federation.


Mon, 11/02/2008 - 13:57

Eduard Kokoity sent a letter of congratulation to RF Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on the occasion of the Day of diplomatic worker

The President of the Republic of Sout6h Ossetia E. D. Kokoity sent a letter of congratulation to RF Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on the occasion of the Day of diplomatic worker. It is particularly said in the telegram: “I am testifying my high consideration to You and have the honour to send You sincere compliments on the occasion of the Day of diplomatic worker of Russian Federation. The age-old history of Russian diplomacy brightly witnessing the grandeur of Russian Federation justly commemorate by outstanding achievements and peaceful victories. A great honour to be Russian diplomatist always meant a selfless allegiance to Fatherland, wide political views and competence, high professionalism.

Mon, 11/02/2008 - 12:55

Boris Chochiev: “Kosovo has nothing in common with South Ossetia”

On commenting the statement of Slovenia Foreign Minister Dmitry Rupel (“There is no liaison between Kosovo, Abkhazia and South Ossetia”) the Deputy Prime Minister of RSO who is also the Head of South Ossetian part of Joint Control Commission on Georgian-Ossetian conflict settlement Boris Chochiev made a statement: “Indeed Kosovo has nothing in common with South Ossetia neither from political nor legal point of view.


Fri, 08/02/2008 - 16:06

The sitting of RSO Security Council

Today the sitting of the Security Council of RSO took place. President Eduard Kokoity opened the sitting. The sitting was participated by the Speaker of Parliament Znaur Gassiev as well as the range of heads of ministries and departments. The participants discussed measures on legality observing and struggle with corruption in the Republic. Acting attorney-general of RSO Eldar Kokoev acted as a main reporter. He suggested elaborating and submitting a law of corruption which would allow straggling with this negative occurrence more thoroughly and in complex.
