South Ossetia needs to enter a new format of relations with Russia - Alan Dzhussoev

Tue, 29/08/2023 - 09:23

For 15 years since the recognition of South Ossetia, Russia has been supporting the Republic in every way in all respects, ensuring its security, which is of great importance for the people, - South Ossetian expert Alan Dzhussoev said in a commentary to IA “Res ”.

“Today, Russia is under very strong economic, sanctions, military pressure along with the conduct of a special military operation, and in the current realities, much in the relations between our countries needs to be reconsidered. The internal economic, internal political situation in Russia is changing, and the agreements reached between our states 5-7 years ago, planned for one course of events, should be amended in view of the new realities,” Dzhussoev has noted.

According to the expert, first of all, the changes should concern the domestic economic and domestic political agenda.

“We need to deal with our armed forces, because Georgia does not give up its territorial claims to South Ossetia. Russia ensures our security, but this does not mean that the armed forces of our Republic should not be ready,” the expert has stressed.

He also noted the need to develop a social block, healthcare and education.

“The state must formulate exactly what goals and tasks to set for these ministries, what product should be obtained at the end, the sphere of relations between Russia and South Ossetia must necessarily affect this side of the issue,” the expert noted.

Dzhussoev also drew attention to the need to develop an integrated approach to the economic development of the Republic.

“Today there is a lot of talk about food security, the economic self-sufficiency of the Republic. South Ossetia is a very small state, and the population that lives here cannot form an internal sakes market for any kind of production. That is, we either import from outside or produce ourselves, and export 80% of the production to the foreign market, and leave the rest on the domestic market. It is important to understand what we are developing in South Ossetia. We must take a comprehensive approach to the development of the economy,” he explained.

Dzhussoev has added that today it is necessary to enter a new format of relations with Russia, change it qualitatively, fill it with new content, set other tasks, show other ways of development.

“There is no other way. If we remain at the level of those realities that were before the start of the special military operation, then we will have no prospects, ”the expert has emphasized.

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