Thu, 13/01/2011 - 11:40

Eduard Kokoity Visited Rehabilitation Sites

President of the Republic of South Ossetia, Eduard Kokoity visited sites of housing and social infrastructure under rehabilitation. In particular, the president visited private housing sites in streets Ossetinskaya, Dmitrov, G. Dzhabiev, June 8, as well as kindergartens and newly built football ground and facilities in Tskhinval.
Eduard Kokoity spoke with the workers engaged in the construction, as well as the population on the ground. He showed his interest in whether the works were implemented in due time, the process of funds allocation. He noted that the houses should be handed over only in case if the owners had no claims towards the contractors.

Thu, 13/01/2011 - 11:36

IA "Res": South Ossetia's Top Ten Events in 2010

Establishment of the Intergovernmental Commission for Economic and Social Cooperation between South Ossetia and Russia
In 2010, the Interngovernmental Commission for Social and Economic Cooperation between South Ossetia and Russia was established to replace the Inter-Agency Commission for Rehabilitation of South Ossetia. This Commission was created to ensure more effective interaction between the governments of South Ossetia and Russia in the rehabilitation and socio-economic development of South Ossetia in 2011.

Thu, 13/01/2011 - 11:28

Eduard Kokoity emphasizes the need to broaden and strengthen ties with countries that recognized the independence of South Ossetia

The President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity met with Minister for Foreign Affairs Murat Dzhioev. As the Press-Service to the President and the Government reported to IA "Res", the meeting focused on issues related to strengthening of the foreign policy positions of the Republic of South Ossetia.
The President noted in particular that in 2010, a lot has been achieved, but there is still much to do to further the recognition of the Republic among the international community, and he emphasized the need to broaden and strengthen ties with countries that had recognized the independence of South Ossetia.

Wed, 29/12/2010 - 13:39

Alan Djussoev: Border Crossing Procedures are Absolutely the Same for Doctors, Teachers and Officials

Some Russian media referring to the Georgian mass media spread misinformation of the Georgian propaganda that the authorities of South Ossetia allegedly created difficulties in crossing the state border for health workers of Leningor district of South Ossetia.
It was stated that it is supposedly done "in retaliation for the fact that the doctors at the local hospital did not sign the statement made by the authorities of South Ossetia, which refers to the occupation of the region by Georgian authorities."
In this connection, IA "Res" contacted the head of the administration of Leningor district Alan Djussoev, who recalled that "the border-crossing checkpoint in Leningor area is properly functioning. There are border crossing procedures, and they are absolutely the same for doctors and teachers, as well as for officials and ordinary citizens. But, unfortunately, we have not developed any rule for border-crossing with Georgia for emergency situations. This creates difficulties. So, all other issues, both the responsibility for patients and doctors rests solely on the Georgian side. "

Thu, 23/12/2010 - 16:43

Interior Ministry of South Ossetia: A citizen of South Ossetia Seized by Georgian Security Services

Yesterday evening, two workers of "Spetsstroy", Russia, having gone astray drove towards the Georgian village of Adzvi, Gori district. As the press service of Ministry of Interior of South Ossetia reported to IA RES, "Spetsstroy" workers, Radislav Soslanovich Kachmazov (born 1975) and Pridom Grigorievich Kachmazov (born 1972), who were engaged in construction of a border post in the village of Artsevi, Tskhinval district, both residents of Kvaisa, at 22:50 drove by VAZ 2107 vehicle to the Georgian village of Adzvi, Gori district of Georgia, where they were stopped by Georgian security services.

Thu, 23/12/2010 - 12:48

David Sanakoyev: Human Rights Is A Unique System To Achieve Balance In This Diverse World

peech by the South Ossetian President's Plenipotentiary for Human Rights David Sanakoyev at the scientific conference in Transnistria "Development of Human Rights Institutions in the self-determined states" to mark International Human Rights Day.

Human rights have become one of the mankind's most significant gains of the last century. During this time, the international mechanisms of human rights protection were created, which had greatly increased the possibility for people to struggle for their rights, for those, who suffered from various abuses by the authorities of their states. Human rights is a unique system to achieve balance in this diverse world. But to make it useful, all the opportunities provided by national and international human rights mechanisms should be used. Of course, we realize that often it is difficult to achieve a fair result, but we must not forget those people who sometimes gave their lives to uphold these universal values.

Fri, 17/12/2010 - 18:29

Press Release by the Delegation of the Republic of South Ossetia to the Geneva Discussions

On 15-16 December 2010, the 14th round of international discussions on security and stability in South Caucasus took place in Geneva. As before, delegations of the Republic of South Ossetia, the Republic of Abkhazia, Georgia, the RF and the U.S. participated in the meeting Co-Chairs by the UN, EU and OSCE.
Within the frameworks of the agenda of the first working group on security, an exchange of views on the situation in the area adjacent to the state border of South Ossetia and Georgia was held. It was noted that the situation remains generally stable, the number of incidents was decreasing. At the same time, the delegation of South Ossetia has expressed its concern about the facts of violation of the airspace of South Ossetia, as well as illegally crossing of the state border.
