The message of the Department of information and press of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

чт, 06/09/2007 - 15:07

In connection with the detention and condemnation by the georgian side of the military men from the structure of the north-ossetian battalion of JPKF

On September, 3rd the temporary Charge d"Affaires of Georgia in the Russian Federation has been invited to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. He has been made a representation in connection with the detention and condemnation by the georgian side of the military men from the structure of the north-ossetian battalion of JPKF in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict on August, 29th of this year - the Russian citizens T.Khachirov and V.Valiev. As it is known, the regional court of the town of Mtskheta in an urgent order has sentenced them to two months of prison.
The georgian representative has been pointed out that all that was made in infringement of the standard norms of the international law and also the agreements in force on settlement of the conflict. According to the article 13 of the Provision about the main principles of activity of military contingents and groups of military observers, assigned for normalization of situation in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict from June, 6th, 1994, their structure is completed « from the parties on a voluntary basis under the contract from among of the military men, having done their military service... and having not participated in skirmishes during the conflict ». Thus, the question of citizenship of the participants of JPKF is regulated neither by these, nor by any other documents. Moreover, according to the article 7 of the named Provision on JPKF, the peacemakers « fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of their parties in everything, as to any kind of offences ». Certainly, they cannot be detained by the georgian law enforcement bodies and, more over, be condemned by georgian courts.
Thus, it is a question of rough infringement of the existing agreements on formation and activity of JPKF in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict. The note of protest of the similar content with the requirement of immediate release of the peacemakers has been earlier directed by the Embassy of the Russian Federation to Tbilisi to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia.
They have once again demanded the admission of the Russian representatives to the arrested persons and their immediate release.

Мой мир