The Chairman of the Supreme Council of Pridnestrovie has met the delegation of the Republic of South Ossetia

чт, 06/09/2007 - 15:12

The Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Prindnestrovskaya Moldavian Republic Evgenij Shevchuk has met the delegation of the Republic of South Ossetia, having taken part in celebrations on the occasion of Day of formation of the Prindnestrovskaya Moldavian Republic. The structure of the delegation included the vice-chairman of the Parliament of RSO Tarzan Kokojty, the deputy minister of foreign affairs of RSO Alan Pliev and the Representative under human rights by the President of RSO David Sanakoev.
During the half-hour conversation were discussed the questions of inter-parliamentary cooperation. The members of the parliament spoke about the creation of mutually beneficial tax conditions for the increase of trade turnover between Pridnestrovie and South Ossetia.
«At the next inter-parliamentary session we shall necessarily examine the bill that is offered by the Chairman of the Supreme Council Evgenij Shevchuk. I consider, that the acceptance of this document will change a lot and our cooperation will be rather and rather productive », the vice-chairman of the Parliament of the Republic of South Ossetia Tarzan Kokojty has noted.
Besides, the Speaker of the parliament has suggested Tarzan Kokojty to exchange their delegations in order to share the operational experience in the supreme legislature of both of the republics.
Tarzan Kokojty has emphasized, « We have the earlier signed documents on cooperation in the sphere of lawmaking. I have already repeatedly marked, that in this respect the Supreme Council of Pridnestrovie has managed to do much more, than we, therefore we shall adopt the saved up by Pridnestrovie experience». The press-service of the Supreme Council informs about it.

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