The Statement of the Parliament of the Republic of South Ossetia

пт, 07/09/2007 - 12:07

Serious alarm and anxiety causes in deputies of the Parliament of the Republic of South Ossetia the increase of intensity around the Republic of South Ossetia. There are bases to assume, that for the settlement of the conflict the georgian authorities plan to use force. In this connection it puts us on guard the scale manoeuvres of the georgian army and the growth of heavy military equipment and arms close to the borders of the Republic of South Ossetia, and as a consequence to that - the becoming more frequent shellings of the town of Tskhinval and the other settlements from the georgian side, the capture of hostages, provocations on the roads and against the peace-making forces, our citizens continue to be exposed to moral and physical insults at the illegally placed posts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia in the zone of the conflict, the commitment of terrorist acts on the territory of South Ossetia under the order of the georgian special services, the threat of physical destruction of the Management of the Republic of South Ossetia, the demonstrative attempts of infringement of the existing mechanisms of a negotiating process, the refusal of signing a document about the non-renewal of military operations and about the non-use of force in the case of settlement of the georgian-ossetian conflict, on what the south-ossetian side persistently insists. All this gives the basis to make a conclusion, that terrorism in Georgia is raised to the rank of state policy.
Moreover, with the purpose of making semblance of split of the south-ossetian society and translation of the georgian-ossetian conflict in the plane of interossetian opposition, the georgian authorities staged on the temporary occupied part of the territory of South Ossetia an adventure with the so-called «alternative elections», «the creation of a temporary administrative and territorial unit in South Ossetia», «the commission on defining the status of South Ossetia in the structure of Georgia», etc.
All these steps of the georgian management have no relation to the opinion of the people of the Republic of South Ossetia and contradict the original settlement of the georgian-ossetian conflict and are done only with the aim to mislead the world community.
Moreover, under the available information the official Tbilisi plans before the carrying out of the VI-th congress of the ossetian people and celebration of the Day of Republic to organize the so-called «march of peace» to the town of Tskhinval, in which several thousand persons will be involved, basically the citizens of Georgia of ossetian nationality. The so-called «march» is planned to hold under the slogan of «friendship, brotherhood and reunion of the georgian and south-ossetian people». All that very strongly reminds the so-called «peace meeting», that planned to hold in the town of Tskhinval Z.Gamsakhurdia on November, 23rd, 1989. It served the beginning of an armed aggression of Georgia against South Ossetia and the genocide of the ossetians. Obviously history teaches to nothing the present georgian authority.
This «march of peace» carries the threat of a new war. The opposition of several thousand persons from each of the sides is fraught with the most unpredictable consequences. The responsibility for the negative succession of events will completely lay down on the georgian management.
The Parliament of the Republic of South Ossetia addresses the authorities of Georgia with the offer to refuse the adventurous idea with holding of the so-called «march of peace», from the stake on traitors and adventurers and to return to civilized peace talks.
We call the world community, the United Nations Organization, OSCE, PACE and all the parliamentarians of all the countries of the world to condemn resolutely the aggressive and destructive policy of the management of Georgia concerning the Republic of South Ossetia and its people and to promote the peace and fair settlement of the georgian-ossetian relations.

The town of Tskhinval
September, 6th, 2007

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