The georgian side has broken the air space in the zone of the conflict

пн, 10/09/2007 - 11:12

Today late at night has been broken the air space in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict. The correspondent of the agency «Res» have been informed about it at the press-service of the administration of Leningor region of the Republic of South Ossetia. Under the available information, a military helicopter with the recognition symbols of the armed forces of Georgia has flown onto the territory of RSO in the area of the village Tsinagar. Under the evidences of the local residents the helicopters were, probably, two.
At the staff of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces (JPKF) they have informed, that a group of monitoring, consisting of military observers from JPKF and the Mission of OSCE has driven over to the place of the incident.

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