JPKF insists on the immediate release of the peacemakers, illegally kept by the georgian side

вт, 11/09/2007 - 15:31

«The Command of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces (JPKF) in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict once again declares about the unlawful arrest of the military men of the peace-making forces, about the obviously provocative character of actions of the georgian side, and insists on the immediate release of the peacemakers, illegally kept by the georgian side», is spoken in the message of the assistant of the commander of JPKF on work with mass-media the lieutenant colonel Juriy Vereshchak.
It is a question of detention on August, 29th by the employees of the georgian power structures of the two military men of the peacekeeping forces, who are now illegally kept in prison in the city of Tbilisi. Against them are brought the charges in detention on August, 27th of the three citizens of Georgia in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict. However the carried out then a tripartite monitoring with the participation of the Mission of OSCE has denied the participation of peacemakers in the incident: «It is documentary recorded in the official report, signed by all the parties, including the military observers from Georgia and the Mission of OSCE», Juriy Vereshchak marks.
He also reminds, giving reasons to the requirement of the staff of JPKF on the immediate release of the peacemakers, that, «by the georgian side unilaterally are broken the item 7 of the Appendix №1 of the Protocol of JCC №7 from December, 6th, 1994, which says, that «The members of military contingents of the peacekeeping forces get under the exclusive jurisprudence of their parties in everything as to any kind of offences, that can be committed by them». According to the item 18 of the same protocol «The supervision over the legality of activity of the military contingents is carried out by the bodies of the Office of a Public Prosecutor from each of the parties».

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