The delegation of PACE has arrived in the Republic of South Ossetia

пт, 14/09/2007 - 17:48

Today the representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) have arrived in the Republic of South Ossetia with an official visit. The delegation has entered the readers of supplementary report of PACE Matthias Jorsh and Kastriot Islami, and also the adviser on political questions of PACE Ivi-Тriin Odrats.
The European members of the parliament were accepted in Tskhinval by the chairman of the Parliament of RSO Znaur Gassiev. In the meeting there also took part the Minister of Foreign Affairs of RSO Murat Dzhioev, the vice-presidents of the Parliament of RSO Juriy Dzitstsojty and Tarzan Kokojty, the secretary of the south-ossetian part of JCC Leonid Tibilov, and also the deputies of the Parliament of RSO.
According to the chief negotiator Matthias Jorsh, the delegation of PACE has arrived in the Republic of South Ossetia «with a familiarizing visit».
On completion of the meeting its participants have answered the questions of the journalists. Answering the question on impressions from the visit Matthias Jorsh has told, that «The politicians should cease to look back at the past and look only in the future, only then it is possible to reach peace. The ossetians here have a number of problems. I am here to listen to the point of view of the ossetians, what guarantees do they need, and we wish to inform about it the georgian side».
Continuing this theme, Juriy Dzitstsojty has noted:
«We have told them everything that we wished to tell on the occasion of the georgian-ossetian conflict. I am absolutely assured that the majority of those facts which they named were already known to them. We repeatedly sent these documents both to OSCE, and to the congress of the USA, we also transferred them to all those who came to us, including the chairman of PACE Rene Van Der Linden during his last visit. How it seemed to me, the main question they were interested in, was how we were going to reconcile or make friends with Georgia? I think, they have understood, that our roads with Georgia have finally diverged, and there is already no return to the past».

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