Eduard Kokojty: «The ambassadors of the countries, that have visited Kurta, will not be accepted any more by the authorities of the Republic of South Ossetia»

вт, 25/09/2007 - 11:29

The President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokojty has held a meeting with the heads of the ministries, departments, power structures, the advisers, the heads of regional administrations and of the town of Tskhinval.
At the beginning of the meeting Eduard Kokojty has expressed gratitude to all those, who was engaged in preparation, organization and reception of the delegates and guests, that have arrived in the republic on the IVth Congress of the ossetian people and on the Day of the republic. The president has expressed special gratitude to the citizens of the republic, who have made everything so that the guests could work fruitfully, could see and hear all that the republic lives with.
The president has expressed gratitude to the heads and the staff of the law enforcement bodies of RSO for provision of safety and the observance of law and order in the days of holding the congress and the holiday.
Speaking about the results of the Congress, Eduard Kokojty has told, «The held congress has shown, that we do not have any impracticable tasks. All the purposes that the people of South Ossetia put before itself are real and realizable».
Special attention at the meeting has been given to the question of visiting of the Kurta administration by the ambassadors of foreign countries in Georgia. The visit has taken place in the days of holding the Congress and celebrating of the Day of the republic. The President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokojty has declared, «These inadmissible actions do not promote to peace settlement of the conflict. The ambassadors of the countries, that have visited Kurta, will not be accepted any more by the authorities of the Republic of South Ossetia. These countries bear responsibility for that policy of state terrorism that is carried out by Georgia».
At the meeting were also discussed the questions of internal social and economic policy in the republic.

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