Eduard Kokojty: «Such a neighbour as Georgia, is a big anxiety and constant intensity»

чт, 27/09/2007 - 13:38

«In South Ossetia they are not surprised by the events in Georgia and the revelations of Okruashvili have not opened anything new to us», the president of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokojty has declared to the correspondent of the agency «Res», making comments on the political processes, occuring in Georgia and, in particular, the statements of the former Minister of Defence of Georgia Iraklij Okruashvili, directed against the president Saakashvili.
«It is a signal for those, who covers the political disgraces of Georgia, providing its militarization and aggression. It is obvious, that Georgia did not fulfill its potential as a state. The policy of lie and extreme nationalism cannot result in success. Basically it is an internal choice of Georgia itself. For us, as a neighbouring state, the main thing is to provide safety of our citizens. Such a neighbour as Georgia, is a big anxiety and constant intensity», Eduard Kokojty has noted.
«The state terrorism and constant provocative activity in relation to South Ossetia and Abkhazia are the basic making of the policy of Georgia. In this connection it only remains to be surprised to the estimation of the president of the USA of that occurs in Georgia now, which has sounded in his performance from the tribune of the United Nations. Probably, they have no trustworthy information there, or mistake the wish for the reality. The history shows, that Georgia has never been a reliable partner», the President of the Republic of South Ossetia has emphasized and has added that, «it is time for the international community to reconsider all the same its attitude to such state formations, as South Ossetia and Abkhazia, the people of which defend their independence, and where the democratic values define all the occuring there processes».

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