Georgia continues interfering with the normal work of UNHCR of the United Nations

чт, 27/09/2007 - 13:40

The Vice-President of the Government of the Republic of South Ossetia, the Co-chairman of the Joint Control Commission on settlement of the georgian-ossetian conflict from the south-ossetian side Boris Chochiev has accepted the head of the Mission of UNHCR of the United Nations in Georgia Peter Nikolaus and the adviser on legal questions of the Mission of UNHCR of the United Nations in Georgia Christopher Blevrit.
During the taken place conversation were discussed the questions of activity of UNHCR of the United Nations in South Ossetia.
The South-Ossetian party has noted that within three months the management of Georgia intentionally and purposefully has created insuperable difficulties for the activity of the Management of the High commissioner of the United Nations for refugees. Despite the numerous references of this organization, the georgian government interferes with the delivery of building materials to South Ossetia for the planned construction of two four-housing apartments for the families of refugees.
In this occasion B.Chochiev has expressed special indignation, having declared, that today the president of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili performs at the session of the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York, but nevertheless creates problems for functioning of the major structural division of this largest international organization.
The South-Ossetian party has offered the Management of the High Commissioner of the United Nations, considering the non-constructive and inhuman position of Georgia, not to deliver the building materials from Georgia but to purchase them directly in South Ossetia, where the specified building materials are also being made, and moreover - of a higher quality than in Georgia.
B.Chochiev has suggested UNHCR of the United Nations to pay more attention to the collective centers of temporary residing of the refugees. He has given high estimation to the activity of the International Committee of Red Cross in this question and has emphasized that much of the things that this organization does (the repair of roof coverings, electro supply and water supply), should have to be done by UNHCR of the United Nations.
P. Nikolaus has noted that the work of UNHCR of the United Nations in South Ossetia and Abkhazia has its rises and descents, but now its activity is on rise. He has told that the single problem is the search of financial assets for South Ossetia and Abkhazia, because there are no humanitarian accidents in these republics.
In conclusion of the conversation the parties have agreed to continue and make active the cooperation in the name of providing the basic human needs and requirements of the refugees and the compelled immigrants. Joint actions on rendering further help to the refugees and compelled immigrants have been planned for the next year.

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