The message of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of RSO

пт, 28/09/2007 - 15:37

On September, 26th at 20.30pm the georgian armed formations, concentrated on the territory of Georgia along the border with the Republic of South Ossetia and on the approaches to the town of Tskhinval, having made the next attempt of intrusion on the territory of South Ossetia, have subjected to massed shelling the southern inhabited quarters of the town, closely adjoining the georgian territory.
The fire from heavy and shooting arms was conducted within two hours. As a result of the shelling there are wounded men among the peace population, several apartment houses have been damaged.
The georgian management, having made the next attempt to provoke a serious armed georgian-ossetian opposition, does not leave any doubts that the power script is still considered by the management of Georgia as a real opportunity of settlement of the georgian-ossetian conflict. Besides, such a variant of events development is considered in Georgia as an opportunity to distract the attention of the georgian public and the international community from the heavy political crisis, in which the georgian management is in the last several days.
It is also necessary to note, that the shelling of the town of Tskhinval from the territory of Georgia was conducted in the time, when the georgian president was going to perform with a report before the General Assembly of the United Nations, devoted to peacekeeping forces in settlement of the conflicts, to construction of democracy in Georgia and struggle for right to freedom and peace life.

September, 27th, 2007.
Мой мир