Juriy Popov: «We will achieve release of all the innocently detained citizens of the Russian Federation»

пт, 28/09/2007 - 15:38

In Tskhinval there takes place the consulting meeting of the co-chairmen of JCC from Russia and the Republic of South Ossetia Juriy Popov and Boris Chochiev. As the ambassador on special missions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the co-chairman of JCC from Russia Juriy Popov has informed the journalists before the beginning of the meeting, the consultative meeting has taken place also with the co-chairman of JCC from Georgia Dmitriy Mandzhavidze.
«My meeting with Dmitriy Mandzhavidze took place yesterday in Tbilisi. In the course of two hours we discussed the questions concerning the situation in the zone of the conflict and the prospects of carrying out of the next session of the Joint Control Commission. Naturally, we have contradictions in our positions, but in some things our estimations coincide. In particular, they coincide in the estimation of gravity of the situation in the zone of the conflict. And in the understanding that it is necessary to take measures to defuse tension here. We have achieved understanding and, as far as I know, the state minister Bakradze has confirmed, that the plenary session would take place in the nearest future, obviously in the first half of October. And it will be held in Tbilisi, as it has been planned earlier.
The concrete dates of carrying out of the session of JCC are not fixed yet. The term of holding the meeting was called to be approximately in the nearest two weeks. The circle of questions that will be discussed at the session of JCC was mentioned in the general plan. Now we shall consult Boris Chochiev, agree the questions, including the question of the exact date. Tomorrow I shall again have a conversation with the georgian co-chairman of JCC D.Mandzhavidze, and we will already reach concrete arrangements», Popov has told.
The destiny of the detained citizens of the Russian Federation by the power structures of Georgia was also discussed at the meeting: the two military men of the ossetian battalion of JPKF on August, 29th, and the representatives of Kabardino-Balkaria on September, 24th.
«We have stated our position on this question. I am not convinced, that the georgian party has concerned our point of view on the event with understanding. But we shall work on their prompt release. Naturally, we shall achieve the release all the innocently detained citizens of the Russian Federation», Popov has emphasized.

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