A temporary post from the Peacemaking Forces of the Russian Federation is placed

пт, 28/09/2007 - 14:50

In connection with an aggravation of the situation and for prevention of the possible collisions of the contradictory sides, and stabilization of the situation in the area of the south-east outskirts of the town of Tskhinval, of a migratory post of South Ossetia and the northern outskirts of the settlement Ergneti, the command of the Joint Staff of JPKF has made a decision on placement of a temporary post of peace-making forces since 18.00pm of September, 27th, 2007 in the structure of one motor-shooting branch from the Peacemaking Forces of the Russian Federation on a IFV-1 and the observers from the three parties in the specified area.

The assistant of the commander of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict on work with the mass-media, the lieutenant colonel Juriy Vereshchak.
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