The Message of the Joint Staff of JPKF

чт, 11/10/2007 - 15:45

In the course of holding the repeated monitoring on October, 8th, 2007 in the area of the observant post «Spider» on the road of the settlement of Eredvi - the settlement of Achabeti by the observers from the three parties with the representatives of the Mission of OSCE it has been recorded, that the illegal post of police continues its activity in an immediate vicinity from the peace-making post «Spider». The employees of the police have not again admitted the group of monitoring to exam the place of engineering works, thus they have broken article 4 of the Provision about military contingents and the groups of military observers.
A shelter for weapon means is equipped on the post, at the same time its embrasures are focused in the direction of the observant post of the Peacemaking Forces from the Russian Federation «Spider» that creates a direct threat to the safety of the staff, carrying their service there.
In 100-150 metres to the south-east of the observant post of the Peacemaking Forces from the Russian Federation and Georgia «Spider» since October, 7th, 2007 is placed another illegal post of the police, at which are also being carried out fortification works.
To this very day the georgian side has not given any explanations of necessity and expediency of the carried out works, and also the attraction to them the representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia.
The Command of JPKF pays the attention, that the illegal activity of the georgian side, held by it in vicinity with the peace-making post «Spider», goes in a different way with the accepted arrangements, unilaterally provokes to aggravating of the situation.

The assistant of the Commander of JPKF in the zone of the georgian-ossetian conflict on work with mass-media, the lieutenant colonel J.Vereshchak.
Мой мир