The Message of the Joint Staff of JPKF

пт, 19/10/2007 - 10:26

On October, 14th, 2007, a monitoring by the group of military observers from the three parties together with the representative of the Mission of OSCE had been held in the area of the settlement of Nuli and the settlement of Gverteti on the fact of aggravation of the situation in connection with the pendency of territorial disputes around the orchards. By the results of the work of the group of monitoring a temporary observant post of the Peace-making forces from the Russian Federation with the observers from the three parties is placed for the prevention of possible incidents in the area of the gardens. On October, 15th of this year a meeting of the representatives of the parties has been held for settlement of the problem, however the parties have not come to a mutually acceptable decision. To the present time the question remains open. The Command of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces offers to hold a meeting of the representatives of administrations, law enforcement bodies and the interested persons of the parties repeatedly for settlement of the given question on October, 17th of this year at 12:30pm.

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