Boris Chochiev: «The date of the next session of the Joint Control Commission is not fixed yet, but I think, it will be carried out at the end of this month»

пт, 19/10/2007 - 10:27

As the co-chairman of the Joint Control Commission on settlement of the conflict Boris Chochiev has informed the correspondent of the news agency «Res», the question on the date of carrying out of the next session of JCC is being solved.
«In Moscow there have taken place the tripartite consultations of the co-chairmen of the Joint Control Commission from the Republic of South Ossetia, the Republic of North Ossetia-Аlania and Russia. Unfortunately, the Georgian party, earlier having declared on their readiness to negotiations, has not take part in these consultations.
We have estimated the situation that has developed in the zone of the conflict, and have planned the questions that each party will put to the session of JCC, which will take place in Tbilisi. The date of this session is not fixed yet, but I think, it will be carried out at the end of this month», Boris Chochiev has noted.

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