Peacekeeper’s day celebration in RSO

пн, 14/07/2008 - 17:20

A 16-th anniversary of Joint Peacekeeping Forces bringing in to the Georgian-Ossetian conflict zone is celebrated in the Republic of South Ossetia. To celebrate an occasion at the location of JPKF Joint Headquarters a solemn formation of Russian and Ossetian peacekeeping battalions was conducted. It was also planned to organize a festive concert and sports arrangements.
It is worth noting that the tripartite peacekeeping forces were introduced to the conflict zone on 24 July 1992 during the heavy fighting for Tskhinval. Georgia found itself in a heavy social, economic and political situation by prolonged war and this pushed the Georgian Government to start talks, what resulted in signing on 24 June 1992 of quadripartite Agreement (Russia, Georgia, North and South Ossetia) of Georgian-Ossetian conflict settlement principles. In accordance to this agreement the peacekeepers already for 16 years guarding the fragile peace in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict zone and in fact are the only guarantors of non-resumption of hostilities.

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