Georgian side fired JPKF and OSCE monitoring group

вт, 29/07/2008 - 16:59

The monitoring group of JPKF and OSCE Mission was fired in the vicinity of Georgian village of Sveri. According to RSO MIA an aimed fire was delivered on JPKF and OSCE military observers from different directions.
As IA «Res» correspondent was informed at RSO MIA press service, the peacekeepers and OSCE representatives were intended to monitor Sveri and Andis villages area.
«There was no any obstacle for the monitoring from the Ossetian side»-mentioned at RSO MIA press service.
«Nonetheless it is worth noting that Georgian correspondents immediately appeared at the scene. One can draw a conclusion that Georgian journalists were informed beforehand of planned shelling of monitoring team to discredit the activities of peacekeeping contingent. I. e. all happened was a preplanned action of the Georgian side»-noted at RSO MIA.
This morning Georgian side fired Ossetian villages Sarabuk and Andis with anti-tank and machine grenade launchers. According to preliminary information there are no casualties from the Ossetian side.

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