Co-chairmen of Geneva discussions met in Tskhinval with South Ossetian colleagues

вт, 07/03/2017 - 21:17

In Tskhinval was held a meeting of the co-chairs of the Geneva discussions on security in Transcaucasia with the members of the South Ossetian delegation represented in this format.

At the beginning of the meeting, Foreign Minister of South Ossetia Murat Dzhioev has noted that in South Ossetia it is still believed that the Geneva discussions are very important for establishing security and peace in the region as a whole.

"We consider it very important to continue the productive work in the framework of the Geneva discussions in order to achieve our main goal of ensuring security for the people of South Ossetia and preparing a legally binding agreements that would have international guarantees and would be a real guarantor of peace and security in Transcaucasia in general "- said Dzhioev.

He has noted that the South Ossetian side is still concerned about the situation in neighboring Georgia - the strengthening of NATO's positions.

"The recent steps taken by NATO leadership to strengthen its presence in the region, of course, lead us to the idea that there are still forces in the West that would like to see Georgia as their firing ground," Dzhioev said. "I mean the redeployment of heavy equipment to Georgia, the use of Georgian territory for military exercises, not to mention the fact that just a few days ago it was said that a stream of refugees from countries of Africa and the Middle East could be transferred to Georgia. I think that all sober-minded people are aware of what this would mean for Georgia and the region as a whole. "

The UN Co-Chair Antti Turunen has noted the importance of adopting the document on the non-use of force in the framework of the Geneva discussions.

"We, of course, note that the situation is relatively stable and calm," Turunen said. - Although, of course, there are opportunities and potential that some steps can be taken and be perceived as a threat, and that can break this calm.

And certainly, there is no guarantee that the situation will be in the future as calm as it is now.

And we, as co-chairmen, are aware of the need to agree on a statement on the non-use of force as soon as possible. "

The delegation of the co-chairs of the Geneva discussions on security in Transcaucasia has arrived in Tskhinval today and has included the OSCE co-chair Günter Büchler, the EU official Björn Kühne, the United Nations staff member Frank Remus, the OSCE staff member Armin Rizer and others.

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