Murat Dzhioev: "Such Georgian actions mean that their organizers recognize the reality of the existence of the border between Georgia and South Ossetia"

ср, 26/07/2017 - 13:47

Murat Dzhioev: "Such Georgian actions mean that their organizers recognize the reality of the existence of the border between Georgia and South Ossetia"

As reported by the "Caucasian Knot", from now on "Georgian activists" begin patrolling the border of Georgia with South Ossetia on the Karapila-Bershuti  sector. This is in the area of ​​the South Ossetian village of Amdzarin in the Leningor district. What can this Georgian action mean, commented the Plenipotentiary Presidential Envoy of the RSO for post-conflict settlement Murat Dzhioev.

 - First of all, this and similar Georgian actions mean that their organizers recognize the reality of the existence of the border between Georgia and South Ossetia. Another thing is that they do not want to accept the reality that does not "fit" into their plans and dreams, and periodically conduct various actions in the areas adjacent to the state border. The action announced by the Rafting Federation of Georgia on patrolling the border clearly fits into the scenario of propaganda provocations and is a continuation of those destructive "rallies" that were recently held in these regions by visiting "activists" from Tbilisi. Their goal is to pour out another tub of false accusations against South Ossetia and Russian border guards.

The matter is that since the Georgian authorities do not want to respond to the repeated offer of South Ossetia to designate the borderline between the Republic of South Ossetia and Georgia bilaterally, the relevant services of the RSO have been working for several years on marking the border with signs and engineering structures. At the same time, all works are carried out exclusively on the South Ossetian territory, nowhere touching the territory of Georgia.

Russian border guards stationed in the RSO under a bilateral agreement between the RSO and the Russian Federation carry out, in accordance with their mandate, the protection of the state border of the RSO and do not deal with the designation of the border. So accusing them, is a deliberate propaganda provocation, aimed at both for the Georgian people, and (first of all) for the international community. By the way, as regards the opinion of international observers, it does not coincide with the Georgian propaganda. When rallies, held in the Bershuet area earlier this month, allegedly, by the "penetration of border markers deep into Georgia", the European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia issued a special statement in which it noted that the signposts were not on the territory of Georgia. For this the Mission was criticized by various Georgian forces.

Actions like those announced today are very dangerous for security in the border areas, because they are associated with possible provocative antics, which can complicate the situation. In this case, the responsibility rests with the Georgian side, which does not suppress such actions intended as a showcase.

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