In 2008 we withstood an information attack with a dignity, - Radion Pukhaev

пт, 04/08/2017 - 08:12

In August 2008, we withstood an information attack with a dignity", said the head of the International non-commercial Association "Renaissance Sandidzan "(Revival) in Holland at a press conference in the State Committee for Information and Press.
"August 8 is a fateful tragic date in the history of our people. Every year in days of sorrow I come to Tskhinval to share the bitterness of loss with my people, "said Pukhaev.
According to Pukhaev, on August 9, 2008 there were sent letters to the political parties and public organizations of Holland urging them to protect the people of South Ossetia.
"After August 12, we received answers from political parties that had taken the other side, with the exception of the Socialist Party," Pukhaev specified.
The head of the Association has noted that they, together with his wife, hey gave at least 10 interviews to media representatives a day, so that the Europeans would learn what was actually happening in South Ossetia.
Pukhaev has added that after 2008 it was decided through cultural cooperation to bring to Europeans the truthful information about South Ossetia.

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