Revanchist aspirations are pushing Georgia on a dangerous path

чт, 26/10/2017 - 13:13

The processes of reconstruction and development, widely deployed in South Ossetia-a convincing marker of the republic's movement along the path of creation, its aspiration for a peaceful future. In contrast, official Tbilisi continues to be a prisoner of the 1990s, keeping the West's policy of revanchism towards South Ossetia and Abkhazia.
Seeing the only possibility of realizing this task in using NATO's military potential, Georgia is trying to speed up the process of joining the ranks of this aggressive military bloc. To this end, the Georgian leadership is actively using methods of pretense and political mimicry, convincing Western countries, and, first of all, the US in its full submission. Tbilisi to the detriment of the real interests of the Georgian people intends to expand the whole range of its relations with Brussels. Against the backdrop of the continuing fall in the standard of living of ordinary citizens of Georgia, millions of lari continue to finance the country's costly participation in various events under the aegis of NATO.
Only in 2017 several major NATO forums were held on the territory of Georgia. In March - the visiting session of the Military Committee of the alliance, in May - the session of its Parliamentary Assembly, and in October - the conference on defense and security. In a situation where Georgia is not a member of NATO, these events were used as a platform for statements on unconditional support for the "territorial integrity of Georgia" and approval of the course for its integration with the EU and NATO.
Important areas for cooperation are the training of Georgian servicemen in the West and the conducting of military exercises on the territory of Georgia with the involvement of units of several member states and NATO partners. So, on a regular basis, are conducted the exercises "Agile Spirit", "Noble Partner", "Jackal Stone" and others.
Why is the West so much interested in a small Transcaucasian state? What makes it spend a lot of money on the development of relations?
First of all, the solution lies in the strategic position of Georgia. It is located between Russia and Iran, an independent domestic political, especially foreign policy of which causes Washington's discontent for several years. The expansion of pro-Western propaganda in the Georgian media, and the generous supply of weapons to Georgia will, if necessary, allow the Georgian hotbed of instability to keep the region in an unbalanced state for a long time. Secondly, frequent exercises aim to polish the most optimal delivery routes for servicemen and equipment from Europe in the event of an armed conflict. Thirdly, through Georgia (in the immediate vicinity of South Ossetia) lie the most important transport routes and energy supply channels (East-West), control of which is an important part of Western policy in the South Caucasus. Again, the availability of access to the sea makes Georgia a tidbit for the implementation of the Western project of the Black Sea security.
Georgia hopes to use the US and NATO to force pressure on Russia, seizing the territories of South Ossetia and Abkhazia and conquer their peoples. Washington and Brussels, on the other hand, are hoping to use Georgia in their anti-Russian big game, and they are completely indifferent to both Georgia and the interests of its population. Will Georgian diplomacy, Eastern cunning, art of deception and political mimicry be able to outplay the collective West? Obviously, it will not. Official Tbilisi, voluntarily taking a place on the line of collision of interests of two mighty superpowers, puts its country in a dangerous position.
The NATO Charter prohibits the admission to the ranks of this organization of states with unsettled territorial disputes. Therefore, it remains for Georgia to be satisfied with listening to the words of support and promises of entry from Brussels, not getting anything substantial in practice. Georgian representatives still have to criticize Russia's foreign policy wherever possible, hoping to get financial and military handouts for it.
The ideas of chauvinism that prevail in Georgia against other nations and the national superiority of the Georgian people are contrary to the Western slogans of multicultural tolerance. However, the West does not pay attention to this fact. On the contrary, skillfully playing on the political and nationalistic ambitions of Georgia, it uses them to further weakening the traditional security system.
It is clear that Western politicians do not risk anything, because their countries are far away. However, official Tbilisi should think about the consequences of attempts to strengthen extra-regional forces in this sensitive region.
Isn`t it better, like South Ossetia, to take a course toward peaceful development?

Inal Pliev, an expert of IA "Res"

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