Wed, 01/08/2012 - 18:00

The head of the Tskhinval district administration discussed the water supply issues with the head of the ICRC mission in South Ossetia

The head of the Tskhinval district administration of South Ossetia Alan Pliev met with the head of the mission of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in South Ossetia Leanne Hutchins.
As reported to IA "Res" by Alan Pliev, during the meeting were discussed issues on interaction of the district administration and the ICRC and water supply of the village of Satikar.

Wed, 01/08/2012 - 16:13

Arkhangelsk Region has helped South Ossetia

Arkhangelsk region as a humanitarian aid transferred 1 million 141 thousand 236 rubles to the settlement account of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of South Ossetia.
As reported to IA "Res" by the Minister for Health and Social Development of South Ossetia Gregory Kulidzhanov, the money had been collectedvoluntarily by the residents and organizations of the city of Arkhangelsk to provide financial and humanitarian aid to the Ministry of Health.

Tue, 31/07/2012 - 16:28

Having undergone surgery the Ossetian professional boxer Aslanbek Kozaev is gaining in form

The well-known Ossetian professional boxer Aslanbek Kozaev is gradually gaining in form after undergoing surgery.
This has been said "IA" by the coach of the athlete Vitaly Slanov.
"For the South Ossetian fighters was recently held the training session in Zaramag, North Ossetia. Kozaev has gradually got involved in the training process. He is feeling himself fine, "- said Slanov.
According to the trainer, August, 5 he plans to travel with their wards for the three-week training session in the Elbrus region, and Kozaev will continue his trainings there.

Tue, 31/07/2012 - 10:17

The ICRC is implementing a project on water supply of the villages Mugut and Satikar

The Mission of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is implementing a project on water supply of the villages of South Ossetia.
As reported to IA "Res" by the assistant of the head of the ICRC office in Tskhinval Wanda Bolotaeva, currently the ICRC Department of Water Supply is constructing the water-supply system in the village of Satikar (Tskhinval district) and Mugut (Znaur district).

Mon, 30/07/2012 - 20:03

Young people from South Ossetia took part in the Crimean international camp

A group of activists of youth organizations from South Ossetia visited the VI International Youth educational camp "Donuzlav - 2012" in the Crimea.
As described to IA "Res" by one of the participants of the South Ossetian group Alina Kozaeva, the camp had been held under the slogan: "Youth of the Commonwealth of Independent States - together into the XXI century!"

Fri, 27/07/2012 - 10:41

Substantial progress in the issue of releasing the citizens of South Ossetia has been reached at the MPRI meeting

The question of releasing the citizens of South Ossetia, which are contained in the Georgian prisons, has moved "off the dead-point."
This has been announced today by the head of the South Ossetian delegation, Deputy Presidential Envoy to the RSO for post-conflict resolution Khokh Gagloity after the meeting of the MPRI participants, which was held in the border village of Ergneti.

The situation on the border of South Ossetia and Georgia will be discussed by the MPRI participants

The next meeting of the Mechanisms on Prevention and Reaction to Incidents (MPRI), which is operating within the framework of the Geneva discussions on security in the Caucasus, is being held on the border of South Ossetia and Georgia.
The meeting is attended by representatives of South Ossetia, Georgia, Russia, EU and OSCE. South Ossetian delegation is headed by Deputy Presidential Envoy to South Ossetia on post-conflict resolution Khokh Gagloyty.
