Fri, 26/03/2010 - 18:12

Genocide. Four months later. War in the Eyes of Children

Soslan Bekoev, 14, “Albion” School

My first day after arrival in Vladikavkaz before the war
I went to Vladikavkaz together with my mum to see my granny. Mum had to return Я приехал the same day, she could leave her work.
Now, I have to stay in Vladikavkaz. I have got a new school and new teachers. My parents do their utmost to have me in a calm situation to continue studies. It was not long ago that I had a house in Tskhinval and a granny there. I cannot help but keep recalling the life destroyed by Georgian extremists. As it were movie shots, I keep in mind the pictures of that horrific August of 2008. My mother, Maya Kharebova, works for an informational agency in Tskhinval, and I could read her journalist reports, newspaper features, brief TV news reported by the informational agency, conversations of journalists; everything was concentrated on those event, which could be also restored through my diary notes.

Tue, 23/03/2010 - 18:50

CoE Independent Experts Continue their Work in Tskhinval

The CoE independent experts Bruce Pegg and Nicolas Sebire continue their work in South Ossetia. As reported by Special Representative for Human Rights David Sanakoev, the experts are staying in Tskhinval until 25 March. "They planned meetings wit the relatives of the missing South Ossetian citizens. During their meetings, the CoE representatives should obtain information about the circumstances of seizure of South Ossetians, details of their whereabouts available with the relatives", said Sanakoev.

Tue, 23/03/2010 - 18:49

RSO President held a meeting with representatives of law enforcement and defense bodies

The President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoitz held a meeting with chief representatives of law enforcement and defense bodies of South Ossetia. Prime-Minister Vadim Brovtsev attended the meeting. In his opening speech, Eduard Kokoity noted that the people of South Ossetia had once again demonstrated high political culture: "Our people is well aware of who is going to destabilize the situation around South Ossetia for what purpose, who is pursuing what political goals by organizing different actions", said the president commenting on the information disseminated by certain media sources about the "opposition" rally scheduled for 20 March in Tskhinval.

Fri, 19/03/2010 - 21:10

Bolat Nurgaliev: No other alternative is acceptable for the population of South Ossetia than a continued dialogue

The Geneva Talks Co-Chair delegation visited South Ossetia. The delegation was headed by the EU Co-Chair Pierre Morel. OSCE Co-Chair Bolat Nurgaliev and UN Co-Chair Antti Turunen, OSCE Secretariat representative Rasa Ostrauskaite, the European Commission Senior Political Advisor and UNHCR representative were among the delegation.
In Tskhinval, the delegation was received by South Ossetian Foreign Minister Murat Djioev and Deputy Special Representative for Post-Conflict Settlement Merab Chigoev. The Deputy Foreign Minister Alan Pliev and the President's Special Representative for Human Rights David Sanakoev also attended the meeting. In his introductory speech, Murat Djioev expressed his hope that the meeting would be fruitful for the preparation of the next round of talks. He noted that after August 2008, the only international mechanism capable to defuse tensions in the region are the Geneva discussions. "We believe we can reach an agreement on non-use of force paper within the frameworks of the Geneva discussions. It is crucially important. It is a key element in the process of settlement on other issues of Georgian-Ossetian relations", said Djioev.

Fri, 19/03/2010 - 10:04

The Geneva Talks Co-Chairs Paying a Visit to Tskhinval

On 18 March, the Co-Chairs of the Geneva Discussions- representatives of the EU, OSCE and UN, are arriving in South Ossetia, reports the office of the Special Representative for Post-Conflict Settlement. The Co-Chairs Delegation is headed by the EU Envoy Pierre Morel.
It was also reported the during their visit, the Co-Chairs will meet with the South Ossetian Foreign Minister Murat Djioev, the RSO President's Advisor Konstantin Kochiev, HR Commissioner David Sanakoev and Deputy Special Representative for Post-Conflict Settlement Merab Chigoev.

Thu, 18/03/2010 - 14:29

Tskhinval Mayor: The refusal to allow holding this actions is not aimed at preventing people from expressing their viewpoints

The Head of Tskhinval city Administration Gerasim Khugaev had a meeting with media representatives. The meeting's discussion mainly focused on the opposition rally planned for 21 March. As Khugaev underlined, the Republic of South Ossetia is a free and democratic state guaranteeing freedom of assemblies, street rallies and demonstrations. In order to organize such an event, a citizen or a group of citizens should address the administration of the place , where the event is going to happen.

Thu, 18/03/2010 - 14:27

Interior Ministry will prevent the situation from disturbances

The Tskhinval city Mayor's Office did not permit holding the rally in the town on 20 March. The refusal is linked to the procedural violations with the submission of the rally permission request. Namely, the organizers of the rally in Tskhinval preferred to stay unknown. The call for street rally was inspired by Georgian special forces and their Moscow-based followers from among the Ossetian traitors. As the Interior Ministry Press-Service reported to IA RES that any attempt from the outside to blow up the situation in the republic will be suppressed by law enforcement bodies.

Mon, 15/03/2010 - 18:30

A column of Georgian armed forces appeared at the border with South Ossetia

A column of Georgian armed forces appeared close to the border with South Ossetia, stated the Special Representative for Post-Conflict Settlement Boris Chochiev. “Near the village of Mejvriskhevi, a movement of a big column of Georgian armed forces arriving from the Georgian town of Gori has been observed, said Chochiev. And, as usual, the EUMM observers are carrying out a covering mission”. According to him, Georgia is preparing a new provocation. “Georgian authorities started to implement new provocations.

Mon, 15/03/2010 - 18:27

Murat Djioev: This was a provocation implying that the Georgian authorities are getting prepared for certain actions

The Foreign Minister of South Ossetia Murat Djioev called the report of "Imedi" channel Saturday evening about alleged intrusion of Russian troops a provocation causing panic all around Georgia. "This was a provocation aggravating the situation speaks for the fact that the Georgian authorities are getting prepared for certain actions, and bearing in mind the fact that after the broadcast information, Georgian armed forces moved towards the boundary line of South Ossetia", stated Murat Djioev. "With this report, the Georgian authorities expected to threaten the people of Georgia and support the created enemy image of Russia, though Russia and Russian armed forces came to Georgia exclusively as friends and protectors", said the Minister.
