Tue, 28/06/2011 - 17:01

Murat Dzhioev: The process of recognition of South Ossetia is irreversible

The declaration of independence of the Republic of South Ossetia, all struggle of the Ossetian people for the state independence is based on strict observance of the international law standards. It has been declared by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the RSO Murat Dzhioev in his interview to the news agency "Res" «We did not make any decision which would contradict the applicable international legislation. Moreover, considering that till the end of 1991 the situation developed within the frames of the USSR, I have to remind that our actions completely coincided with the effective legislation of the USSR», - the minister has noted. «I’d like to underline not only the legal aspects of things.

Tue, 28/06/2011 - 13:34

The new Republican stadium has opened in South Ossetia

Grand opening of the restored Republican stadium named after the outstanding Ossetian football player Guram Tskhovrebov has taken place in Tskhinval. Representatives of the Republican leadership headed by the President Edward Kokoity have taken part in the action; the inhabitants and visitors of Tskhinval have completely filled tribunes of the stadium, .intended for six thousand people. Edward Kokoity has addressed to the gathered with congratulatory speech. «A lot of units of social value have been built in the Republic, but the unit we are inaugurating today, is of special importance in life of each citizen of South Ossetia. We aspire to peaceful, creative life. We want our children to live in peace and accord with everybody, to be healthy. This unit will promote all these intentions to a considerable degree», - Kokoity has said. The President has underlined that it was made a great deal for rehabilitation of South Ossetia and it is supposed to make even more and the Russian Federation renders huge aid to the Republic in this process. «We are immensely grateful to Russia, to all Russians who have rendered and are rendering huge aid to our Republic.

Fri, 24/06/2011 - 10:48

The Georgian criminals detained in South Ossetia have been transferred to the authorities of Georgia

The authorities of South Ossetia as an act of good will have transferred two violators of the frontier of South Ossetia to the Georgian side, - has informed the correspondent of the news agency "Res". The transference has taken place in the frontier village Mosabruni in Leningorskiy region of the Republic. The citizens of Georgia Anzor Parkadze and Alexander Ninoshvili have been detained on June, 22 by a police squad in a private house of the village Dziglevi (Leningorskiy region, RSO). According to the violators, they have crossed the territory of South Ossetia to escape the responsibility for the crimes committed in Georgia. The violators have informed that they went to visit their relatives in Leningorskiy region.

Thu, 23/06/2011 - 17:13

The citizens of Georgia hidden out for committing grave crimes are detained in South Ossetia

On June, 22 the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia, through the administration of the Official representative of the Frontier service of KGB in the RSO, has addressed to the authorities of South Ossetia with the request for detention of citizens of Georgia Dandurishvili Valerijan Zurabovich, 1986 d.b. Ninoshvili Alexander Sergoevich, 1985 d.b. and Parkadze Anzor Gogiaevich, 1984 d.b. It has been declared the News agency "Res" at the press-service of KGB in South Ossetia. «According to the Georgian policemen, the abovementioned persons have made grave crimes in Georgia and have hidden on the territory of the Republic of South Ossetia - have been specified at the press-service.

Thu, 23/06/2011 - 13:11

Boris Chochiev: The truth about the war in South Ossetia cannot be hidden for ever

The statement of the ambassador of France in Georgia that it is Georgia responsible for unleashing the war in August, 2008 and genocide of the Ossetians in the twenties of the last century, testifies that the western policy of "double standards» cracks from time to time. It has been declared the news agency "Res» by the Plenipotentiary of the President of the RSO on post conflict settlement Boris Chochiev. «In his recent interview the former President of Georgia Eduard Shevardnadze has already said about the responsibility of Georgia for unleashing the war in August, 2008, and, at last, the western diplomats are telling about it», - the Plenipotentiary has said. In his opinion, the world community imagines objectively enough a picture of the August events in 2008. «It’s another story that many countries do not recognize this truth because they are the direct or indirect participants of the aggression», - Chochiev has declared.

Thu, 23/06/2011 - 11:30

The Georgian violators have been expelled from South Ossetia by court judgment

10 citizens of Georgia detained for illegal crossing of the frontier of South Ossetia on June, 18-19, 2011 have been expelled from the Republic of South Ossetia. Their transference has taken place on the state border of the Republic of South Ossetia and Georgia between the town Tskhinval and the village Ergnet. The violators in the presence of press have informed the representatives of the Georgian force structures receiving them that while being under arrest the employees of the South-Ossetian frontier service and law enforcement bodies treated them exclusively politely, fed them well, supplied them with cigarettes, and during deportation have returned all their personal things withdrawn at detention in safe and sound.

Thu, 23/06/2011 - 11:28

The Statement of the Press-service of the RSO Foreign Ministry in regard to the interview of the Ambassador of France in Georgia Eric Furnje

The analysis of the recent years` events allows telling that the world has been learning more truth about the Georgian aggression of August, 2008 against South Ossetia Everybody knows well the main conclusion of the Report of the European Union independent commission, established after the August war and led by the Swiss diplomat Heidi Taliavini that Georgia has launched the war. Among the recent publications it would be remarkable the interview of the ambassador of France in Georgia Eric Furnje to the Georgian magazine "Tbilisebi" where he has made Georgia: responsible for the war launching: «you cannot rewrite history and search for responsibility in some other place, instead of its real location». What is much more important thing, that first for a long time the high rank European politician has mentioned a subject of genocide of the Ossetian people on the part of the Menshevist Georgia in the twenties of the last century.

Thu, 23/06/2011 - 11:26

The Statement of the RSO Foreign Ministry

On June, 22, 2011 the Dzausky district court has delivered a judgment of expelling ten Georgian citizens who on June, 18 and 19 of the current year were detained by the South-Ossetian frontier guards next to the village Koz in Dzausky region of the Republic of South Ossetia for illegal crossing of the state border of the Republic of South Ossetia and Georgia.

Thu, 23/06/2011 - 11:24

Merab Chigoev: the Georgian officials use grass roots in their provocations

South Ossetia declares that it has warned the representatives of the EU Mission of observers about possible infringements of the state border in Dzausky region of the Republic on June, 18-19, 2011 in good time. As the representative of the President of the RSO on post conflict settlement Merab Chigoev has informed the news agency "Res", the corresponding statement was made during the next meeting of mechanisms on prevention of incidents in the village Dvan on June, 17.

Wed, 22/06/2011 - 17:39

As usual, Georgia has met the reasonable statement of the French ambassador with abuse and insults

In his interview to the Georgian magazine "Тbiliselebi" the ambassador of France Eric Furnje has declared: «In Georgia responsibility for the war is being searched not where it should be searched for. Who has launched the war? Who the first has started firing Tskhinval? You cannot rewrite the history and search for responsibility in other place, instead of its real location. Digging a bit more deeply one should demand explanations not in France or in any other country, but from the Menshevist republic which in 1921 exterminated the Ossetian population». This fair statement has caused a storm of indignation among the Georgian political ersatz-elite. A chairman of the interim parliamentary commission on rehabilitation of the territorial integrity of Georgia Shota Malashkhia declares that «the ambassador of France in Georgia Eric Furnje does not know the modern history of Georgia».
