Thu, 17/11/2011 - 10:38

The Tskhinval cannery is going to resume its manufacture

The governmental delegation led by the Prime Minister of South Ossetia Vadim Brovtsev has visited today the cannery in Tskhinval to see the state of the enterprise and to discuss with administration the measures on starting manufacture of tinned fruit and vegetables. The factory has not worked since August, 2008 when the part of production and storage facilities was destroyed as a result of the war, and the part of equipment - was plundered.Members of the government examined both the factory premises and the equipment for which restoration two million roubles had been allocated by the Ministry of Economic Development of the RSO.

The Central Electoral Committee of South Ossetia has announced preliminary results of voting of elections and a referendum in figures

According to the Chairman of the Central Electoral Committee of South Ossetia, preliminary results of the counting of votes in the presidential elections and the referendum indicate that according to 78 polling stations this hour from 86 candidates no one has collected 50 % votes and the second round of presidential elections in the Republic of South Ossetia – is inevitable.
The votes were divided as follows:
Anatoly Bibilov (the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations) - 23, 8 %;
Alla Dzhioeva (ex-Minister of Education) - 24, 6 %;
Alan Kotaev (the Deputy Mayor of Tskhinval) - 8, 3 %;

Eskin Avigdor: There is no doubt that the election has corresponded to the standards accepted all over the world

I doubt whether someone than people of Israel would realize better and fall in love with those people who struggle for their independence and have proved in practice the ability to face the history calls in full with dignity. It has been declared by a member of the international organization on supervision over the elections CIS-EMO from Israel Eskin Avigdor at the informational centre «Presidential elections and a referendum - 2011». According to him the people of South Ossetia have won in the battlefield and are worthy to live in peace and even in something to be an example for others. «What we have seen today- is the harmonious process of elections. There is no doubt that these elections corresponded to all parameters accepted all over the world», - he has underlined.

The Vice-President of the Peace and Harmony Federation has not found any signs of falsification in the election process

Any facts of falsification and irregularities have not been fixed during the election process in South Ossetia. It has been declared the journalists by the representative of the Russian fund of free elections, the Vice-President of the Peace and Harmony Federation at the briefing of the Central Election Committee informational centre, Professor Gennady Mikhajlov. According to him, only irregularities on technical reasons, which cannot affect the voting results, have taken place. «We were working in two districts of the Republic-Tskhinvalskiy and Znaurskiy, where we managed to visit nine polling stations.

The Central Election Committee: Anatoly Bibilov and Alla Dzhioeva will contest in the second round of presidential elections in South Ossetia

On Monday the Chairman of the Central Election Committee of South Ossetia Bella Plieva has announced the official preliminary results of voting in the presidential elections of South Ossetia and the referendum about the status of the Russian language held on Sunday, November, 13.The head of the Central Election Committee has underlined that the work was not stopping all night long. The presence of voters at the elections has made up 67, 05 %. At present the Central Election Committee has processed 98, 84 % of ballots. «The first round of the presidential election has not revealed the winner. No any candidate has collected 50 % votes», - has underlined the Chairman of the Central Election Committee.

Today a "Day of Silence" has been announced in South Ossetia

Today, on November 12 a "day of silence" has been announced in South Ossetia in order that the voters could easily decide their choice. As the correspondent of IA "Res" has been informed at the Central Election Committee (CEC) of South Ossetia, the republic is ready for the presidential elections. "According to the law November 12, -the day before the election, - has been declared a ''day of silence''.

Sat, 12/11/2011 - 10:12

Diplomats of South Ossetia and Taiwan discussed the issues of interstate cooperation

Cooperation of South Ossetia and Taiwan could be beneficial for both countries. It has been stated by Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia Murat Dzhioev, commenting on the statement of the head of the Taiwan representative office in Russia Antonio Chen's readiness to cooperate with the Republic of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, both economically and culturally. According to the head of the South Ossetian Foreign Policy Agency, the meeting of the RSO Foreign Ministry spokesman and the representative of Taiwan have recently taken place in Russia."The issues on cooperation between the two countries in culture, education, economy, trade and simply human relations have been discussed at the meeting – Dzhioev has informed.-Our nation has rich cultural traditions, we have many economic resources. Our cooperation with Taiwan can be mutually beneficial on the basis of the mentioned and a number of other factors."

The CEC of South Ossetia is ready for the elections and the referendum

The CEC of South Ossetia is ready for the November 13 presidential elections and a referendum on formalizing the state status of the Russian language. It has been declared at the press conference in Tskhinval, by the CEC chairman Bella Plieva. "All the polling station commissions are ready to start voting on Sunday, November 13 at 8 a.m. till 20:00 p.m. The number of voters and the registered candidates is determined. There are also cases of withdrawals among the registered presidential candidates. The CEC has done everything possible to hold elections with dignity and transparently", - Plieva emphasized. She has mentioned the decision to put stamps on the passports in order to prevent some citizens could vote twice. "This is the CEC decision. But we appealed to the government and the presidential administration that the Visa Service should also be informed, as well as the relevant services at the checkpoint in the Lower Zaramag. Our decision has been approved "- the CEC head has said.

Fri, 11/11/2011 - 11:54

Pupils from Tskhinval will meet with the Russian cosmonauts

Pupils of the Tskhinval boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care were invited to visit the cosmodrome "Baikonur". It has been informed IA "Res" by the director of the boarding school Roland Tedeev. "This year the international creative competition ''Yuri Gagarin'' has been held among the Russian and foreign youth by the Community Center of the National Glory of Russia, the St. Andrew Foundation and the World Public Forum «Dialogue of Civilizations'' - said Tedeev. - The winners were provided with the study tour to the cosmodrome. Among the winners were also the pupils of our schools, whose drawings and writings were represented at the event." According to Tedeev, a creative contest was dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's space flight.
