Tue, 07/09/2010 - 12:13

Rehabilitation in Znaur district of South Ossetia is ongoing

Social infrastructure and private housing in Znauri area is under active reconstruction, Deputy Head of district administration Vladimir Gatikoev told IA RES. The reconstruction at Teregvan school is almost completed. "Only external decoration remains incomplete. From September 1, the schoolchildren have already started they studies in the light and renovated classrooms. However, the classes at secondary school of Znaur are held in the former raikom building, since during the war the school building was badly damaged. There were even proposals to demolish the building and rebuild it. But later it was decided to reconstruct it. Currently, the restoration works are in their final stage" he said.

Mon, 06/09/2010 - 09:30

Eduard Kokoity Congratulates Yuriy Luzhkov on the 863th Anniversary of Moscow

The President of the Republic of South Ossetia sent a congratulation telegram to Moscow Mayor Yuriy Luzhkov in connection with the 863th anniversary of the Russian capital. The telegram reads:
”On behalf of the leadership, all the people of the Republic of South Ossetia and myself, I cordially congratulate you on a nice holiday - the 863 anniversary of Moscow.
Over the years of your terms of office, the capital of Russia has changed, pleasing Muscovites and the city guests. Construction of housing for citizens has been actively unfolded, churches and monuments of Russian history are being restored. Particularly valuable is that the life of Muscovites is improving. The capital is in the vanguard of democratic and economic reforms in Russia, it gives an example to other cities on how to solve urgent problems under current difficult conditions and during this particularly hard year for Russia.

Mon, 06/09/2010 - 09:29

The Government of South Ossetia and the Company Ostelekom Agree on Cooperation

The Government of South Ossetia and a joint stock company (JSC) "Ostelekom” signed an agreement on cooperation, told Leonid Lebedev, the representative of the open joint stock company (JSC) "MegaFon" (the main shareholder of Ostelekom), at a press-conference in Tskhinvali.
"The document is very important for both parties. We agreed on a joint work to develop the telecommunications field in the country. The agreement also states that the tariff and the commercial policy of the company "Ostelekom" will be formed based on the views of the Government of South Ossetia, as well as the needs and capacities of the population. Our main objective is the creation of affordable, quality telecommunications services. We are fully aware of the today’s situation in the Republic, and our goal is not to earn much money, but to build up a modern communications system to promote the development of the society ", he said.

Mon, 06/09/2010 - 09:28

Vadim Brovtsev sends congratulation telegram to Yuriy Luzhkov

The Prime Minister of South Ossetia has sent a congratulation telegram to the Mayor of Moscow Yuriy Luzhkov on the 863th anniversary of the capital of the Russian Federation.
The telegram reads:
”On behalf of the Government of the Republic of South Ossetia and the Ossetian people, I congratulate you on the Day of Moscow!
Moscow for all of us is not just the capital of our big country, but a town, which we are proud of and which we deeply respect.

Fri, 03/09/2010 - 14:59

Border Guards Provide Social Welfare Structures of South Ossetia with Humanitarian Aid

Representatives of the Russian FSB Border Guard Department in South Ossetia provided social welfare structures of South Ossetia with humanitarian aid. The actions was organized within the frames of the Interagency Humanitarian Action (IHA) "Mutual Assistance. Cooperation. Security." As the Deputy Chief of Russia's FSB BG in South Ossetia Vladimir Rubtsov told IA RES, the humanitarian aid has arrived from Russia upon the decision of the RF President Dmitry Medvedev.

Fri, 03/09/2010 - 14:57

The RF Delegation and the RSO leadership discuss problems of Leningor District

The leadership of the Republic of South Ossetia headed by President Eduard Kokoity and the official delegation of Russia headed by Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev visited Leningor district of the Republic. The delegation visited the field hospital of the Russian Center of Paramedics "Zaschita" (protection). The President talked to the doctors assisting the district local population and saw the premises, where they received the patients.

Tue, 31/08/2010 - 18:01

Rural district schools in South Ossetia are ready for the new school year

All schools in Znaur district of South Ossetia are ready to receive students for 2010-2011 school year. As the Chief of Znaur District Education Department Elvira Gabaraeva told IA RES, some of them were renovated during the summer holidays.
"In Teregvan, the secondary school building front, gutters and downspouts were renovated" , she specified. - In-house repair and restoration of the roof of the school building have been made earlier. As to Znaur secondary school, it is not ready to accommodate the children on 1 September. The building has been badly damaged during the war in August 2008, and there are still repairs to be completed. Therefore, lessons, as in the past year, will be conducted in the former building of the district committee of the Communist party.

Tue, 31/08/2010 - 18:00

Humanitarian aircraft with a load for South Ossetia landed in Vladikavkaz

30 tons of humanitarian aid will be delivered to the Republic of South Ossetia in the framework of the Interagency Humanitarian Action (IHA) "Mutual Assistance. Cooperation. Security." As the the press service of the FSB border guard department in South Ossetia told the correspondent of IA "Res" the trucks left this morning for Vladikavkaz to transport the goods to South Ossetia.
As it became known, an aircraft belonging to the Russian EMERCOM with humanitarian aid for South Ossetia on board already landed in Vladikavkaz.

Tue, 31/08/2010 - 14:49

David Sanakoev: We still know nothing about the fate of the citizens of South Ossetia reported missing

In South Ossetia, about 150 people are considered missing, the Commissioner for Human Rights under the President of South Ossetia David Sanakoev told IA RES in connection with the International Day of the victims of forced disappearances. According to Sanakoev, this number includes the missing since 1989 and 2008. "Since 1989, more than 140 people are considered missing, and since 2008, we know nothing on the whereabouts of seven people", he explained. Sanakoev said that currently the issue of the missing persons is under consideration of three different formats.

Tue, 31/08/2010 - 14:48

Eleonora Bedoeva: A meeting of the authorities of South Ossetia with refugees from Leningor district of the Republic to take place in the near future

Residents of Leningor district of South Ossetia expelled in the 90s from their homes by the Georgian authorities want to return home. As Eleonora Badoeva, the Chairman of the State Housing Commission on the distribution of houses, told IA RES, about 80 families of refugees would return to Leningor district as soon as they receive guarantees that their houses there are returned to them. "In the 1990's, many Ossetian families in Leningor district of South Ossetia have been forced out their homes - told Bedoeva. - Citizens of Georgia moved into the apartments of Ossetians and illegally re-executed them for themselves.
