

Fri, 08/08/2008 - 11:52

Georgian SU-25 planes dropped bombs on civilians.

In these minutes Georgian SU-25 planes dropped bombs on the peaceful citizens of the Republic of South Ossetia. SU-25 also strikes at ossetian village Kvernet, and bypass road,Zar, the only road, which links South Ossetia with the North. Perfidious massive bombardment of Tskhinval by the morning became more intense. In the city and its environs are fighting with heavy weapons.
The people of South Ossetia requests assistance from the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and the Government of Russian Federation to take urgent measures to protect the residents of South Ossetia, which are citizens of the Russian Federation and to do everything to stop the genocide of the Ossetian people.
According to preliminary data, in the city killed more than 15 civilians.
The Georgian convoy of tanks and infantry is moving towards Tshinval. Already devastated a large part of the town. Several buildings in the center of the city burn. Parliament House RYUO burned, the government buildings complex is
damaged. High-rise housing and other residential buildings are burning.

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Wed, 06/08/2008 - 16:37

Eduard Kokoity: «Situation is extremely deteriorated by the Georgian side»

South Ossetia intended to take resolute measures on the facts of shelling of Ossetian settlements by the Georgian side. This was stated by the President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity. «Presently the situation is very serious. At the height above Nuli village Georgians are constructing another post. We will take most tough decisions in this regard, for this are band formations and they are shelling our villages. The situation is aggravating from the Georgian side»-claimed Eduard Kokoity.


Tue, 05/08/2008 - 16:47

Eduard Kokoity: «We want to save peace by means of talks, but if we have no any other choice, we will undertake the most resolute measures»

The President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity held a conference with the chiefs of Ministries, Departments, Republic power structures and the Heads of regional and Tskhinval administrations. In connection with evacuation of children to North Ossetia, the President mentioned at the conference that «this is a forced measure and there are no any preconditions for panic. We are not going to give up our positions or to make any aggressive actions but we intend to protect our citizens, provide their security and in case of emergency protect our Republic».


Mon, 04/08/2008 - 17:37

Georgian militaries fired funeral procession

Georgian armed formations fired the funeral procession in Mugut village, Znaur region of RSO. As the Minister of Interior informed IA «Res» correspondent there was a funeral of RSO law enforcement organs serviceman Anatoly Kabisov killed during the firing of RSO MIA post in Velit village on the night from 1 to 2 August.

Mon, 04/08/2008 - 17:10

Georgian militaries fired funeral procession

Georgian armed formations fired the funeral procession in Mugut village, Znaur region of RSO. As the Minister of Interior informed IA «Res» correspondent there was a funeral of RSO law enforcement organs serviceman Anatoly Kabisov killed during the firing of RSO MIA post in Velit village on the night from 1 to 2 August.

Mon, 04/08/2008 - 17:09

Eduard Kokoity: «It is a meanness to shoot innocent people with sniper weapons, to hide behind the churches and to build fortifications at the cemeteries»

The President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity received the delegation from North Ossetia. They discussed the situation created over South Ossetia last days. All the participants mentioned the complexity of situation. Eduard Kokoity emphasized that the people should not yield to the provocations organized by the Georgian side, whatever tragic and grave as it may be.


Thu, 31/07/2008 - 12:56

Announcement of RSO KGB press service

RSO KGB have available a firsthand information of Georgia’s intention to continue the policy of tension escalation in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict zone to destabilize an internal political situation in South Ossetia and to emboss the Ossetian population from the territory of Republic. Presently Georgian special services with the purpose of committing series of terrorist acts and diversions have prepared eight motor cars with planted explosives for sale to South Ossetian citizens.


Wed, 30/07/2008 - 14:58

State of the wounded is stabile

State of the wounded on 29 July during the shelling of South-Osetian villages of Sarabuk and Tliakana is stabile. This was informed to IA «Res» correspondent by the assistant doctor of Republican somatic hospital Georgi Gogichaev.

Wed, 30/07/2008 - 14:57

Monitoring for OSCE and peacekeepers

A monitoring team of Joint Peacekeeping Forces in Georgian-Ossetian conflict zone and OSCE Mission military observers arrived at the place of yesterday’s shelling of South Ossetian villages of Sarabuk and Tliakana. This was informed to IA «Res» correspondent by the assistant of JPKF Commander on links with media Vladimir Ivanov.
Last night Georgian side fired Ossetian villages of Sarabuk and Tliakana.

