

Wed, 26/08/2015 - 13:46

7 years have passed since the recognition of independence of South Ossetia by the Russian Federation

South Ossetia is celebrating the seventh anniversary of the recognition of independence of the Republic of South Ossetia.
People of South Ossetia have repeatedly been subjected to aggression by the southern neighbor - Georgia. Xenophobia and racism of the Georgian leadership have led to the repeated genocide of the South Ossetian people.
People of South Ossetia were always fighting with the Georgian Nazism.
January 19, 1992, the will of the people was expressed at the referendum.
May 29, 1992 the Supreme Council proclaimed the independence of South Ossetia and the establishment of the independent state.
November 12, at the second referendum, the South Ossetian people once again unanimously voted for the independence of South Ossetia.
For 18 year the constant armed conflict with Georgia, claiming to the territory of South Ossetia after the collapse of the USSR without any legal and historical grounds, led to large-scale hostilities in August 2008.
Hundreds of warriors have fallen on the field of battle in the name of freedom and independence of South Ossetia.
Russian Federation was the only real guarantee of security, support for the fragile peace, carrying out a peacekeeping mission in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict, it once again stopped the attempt of the Georgian leadership, unprecedented in its cruelty, to destroy the population of South Ossetia.
August 26, 2008 the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev signed the Executive Order to recognize the independence and state sovereignty of South Ossetia and forcing the aggressor to peace ushered in a new milestone in the life of South Ossetians.
The recognition of the independence of South Ossetia by Russia is an outstanding event in the modern history and is a symbol of justice and the beginning of a new prosperous and free life!
Today, South Ossetia with the support of the Russian Federation is an independent and sovereign state. There are all conditions for the elimination of the consequences of the Georgian aggression and moving on the path of development and prosperity in conditions of security and stability.


Mon, 24/08/2015 - 11:33

In South Ossetia was held a press conference with Veronika Dzhioeva

At the State Committee of Information and Press of South Ossetia was held a press conference with world opera star Veronica Dzhioeva.
The press conference was attended by members of the media and guests of the festival "The Star of Alania", as well as a sister of the diva Inga Dzhioeva.

The meeting was opened by the Minister of Culture of South Ossetia Madina Ostaeva, noting that the festival has become a great event.
"Such festivals will contribute to cultural development, and will be of great help to our younger generation," - said Ostaeva.

On behalf of the Republic`s leadership and the Ministry of Culture Madina Ostaeva expressed gratitude to Veronica Dzhioeva.

In turn, Veronica Dzhioeva noted that without the support of the South Ossetian leadership this event would not have happened.
"I`d like to thank Leonid Tibilov for his warm reception, - said Dzhioeva. "

Dzhioeva has thanked her friends, colleagues, who participated in the festival for their support and told about the work of the festival in the future.
"The festival will be held annually - said Dzhioeva. - Many famous artists, whom I had invited, expressed desire to participate in the festival. We can hold it in Venice or in Prague. As we have many talented children and we can give them the opportunity to go on stage, it will also be a practice for them. "

Dzhioeva has also noted that, after the August events Tskhinval has changed for the better.
"I'm happy with the changes that have taken place here, - he said Dzhioeva.- People have become more happy. I am glad that the city is being built, and I hope, soon it will become as god as I remember it from childhood. "
Honored Artist of Russia, professor of Novosibirsk state conservatory named after Michail Glinka, a pianist, chief concertmaster of the Novosibirsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre Mikhail Mishchenko said that he was pleasantly surprised by the award of the head of state.
"I am pleased that my modest gift was appreciated by awarding me the Honored Artist of South Ossetia."

A soloist of the Prague National Opera Vladimir Koval said it was a landmark event that happened in his life.
"We arrived here with great joy - said Koval. - There is nothing better when you perform, and people`s eyes are filled with joy. The audience here is good. For me Veronica Dzhioeva is a paragon both as a musician and just a person, as well as a daughter of your proud, unconquered nation, it fills me with particular admiration. "
It should be reminded that the day before in South Ossetia has been completed the I International Music Festival of the world opera star Veronica Dzhioeva "The Star of Alania."

The President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov has awarded the title "People's Artist of the Republic of South Ossetia" to the world opera star Veronica Dzhioeva, a soloist of the Prague National Opera Vladimir Koval and professor of the Novosibirsk State Conservatory, a pianist Mikhail Mishchenko.
A soloist of the Opera and Ballet Theatre in Ústí nad Labem (Czech Republic) Liana Sass was presented an honorary diploma of the Republic of South Ossetia.


Thu, 20/08/2015 - 10:27

Leonid Tibilov met with Ambassador of South Ossetia to Abkhazia Oleg Botsiev

Leonid Tibilov met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of South Ossetia to the Republic of Abkhazia Oleg Botsiev. During the meeting were discussed issues on the role of diplomatic missions in the development and strengthening of friendly relations with the host countries.
The head of state has noted that the work of the diplomatic missions in the countries, with which South Ossetia has established diplomatic relations, is a serious and responsible work.
"The republic's leadership appreciates the contribution of the Embassy of South Ossetia, and you personally, to the development and strengthening of friendly relations with the country in which you are an official representative of our country - the president said. – There is your contribution in each agreement signed recently with Abkhazia, and we appreciate it. "
For his great contribution to the development and strengthening of relations of friendship and cooperation between the peoples of South Ossetia and Abkhazia and active diplomatic service, Leonid Tibilov has awarded the Order of Friendship to Oleg Botsiev.
In turn, Oleg Botsiev has thanked the President for high evaluation of his activities, noting that he will continue to serve the motherland, and to represent the interests of South Ossetia in the host country.
"God grant that I can do much more than I has already done and be of great benefit to the development of the existing good and friendly relations between the peoples of South Ossetia and Abkhazia ", - the ambassador said.


Wed, 19/08/2015 - 12:30

South Ossetian President discussed foreign policy issues with the ambassadors of the Republic

South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia Kazbulat Tskhovrebov and the ambassadors of South Ossetia to the Russian Federation, Abkhazia, as well as with the head of the Consulate of the Republic to North Ossetia.
In the course of the meeting were discussed issues relating to foreign policy.
According to the President, foreign policy in the countries of residence of the ambassadors of the Republic should be represented at the highest level.
"The foreign policy of our country, first of all, is represented in Russia, - said the president. - Russia takes the first place in everything related to our development, and we appreciate the relationships between our countries, we will do everything possible to ensure their further development and strengthening.
The main priority of the foreign policy of our country is interaction with the great Russia and, of course, with those countries which have recognized our independence. "
Tibilov focused on the activities of the Embassy of South Ossetia in Russia associated with the implementation of the Treaty of Alliance and the Integration signed between Russia and South Ossetia.
"The agreement signed between the two countries requires the development of additional agreements, which are necessary for its implementation, - said Tibilov. –
I have instructed the heads of the ministries and agencies of the Republic to do this work.
The Embassy of South Ossetia to Russia should be also involved in the development of these agreements. In any case, they must be aware of the direction in which the work will be done. "
The president also gave some assessment of the activities of the ambassadors of the Republic of South Ossetia.
"Znaur Gassiev has recently been appointed the Ambassador of South Ossetia to Russia, and I can already see some progress in the work of our embassy. I think that this attitude will be maintained, - the president said. - Our Consulate in North Ossetia, in the person of Maurice Sanakoev is at the initial stage of its formation and development.
I think that in the person of the new ambassador, the Consulate will receive the proper nourishment in addressing the challenges.
With regard to the diplomatic mission of our Republic in Abkhazia, we have full confidence in our Ambassador Oleg Botsiev. He has made an outstanding contribution to friendly relations established between South Ossetia and Abkhazia."
The President also gave a positive assessment to the work of the newly appointed Minister of foreign Affairs of South Ossetia Kazbulat Tskhovrebov.
"Kazbulat Tskhovrebov has previously worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, so he knew well the activities of the Agency, - the president said. - He is a qualified specialist, and I think the positive aspects that have been under the previous minister, will be continued. "
The ambassadors, in turn, have reported to the President on the foreign policy activities, pursued by the countries that have recognized the Republic of South Ossetia.

Wed, 19/08/2015 - 09:53

The position of Georgia is of an ultimatum - Deputy Presidential Envoy of South Ossetia

Geneva international discussions on security and stability in the Transcaucasia "remain the only platform to resolve issues caused by the conflict which is recognized by all participants", - told the Tass the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.
In his opinion, it is necessary "to achieve tangible progress" in resolving all the issues arising from the conflict in August 2008.
The Secretary General also expressed concern about allegations of "erecting border" along the dividing lines between the conflicting parties.
The situation was commented by Deputy Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy of the RSO for post-conflict settlement Khokh Gagloyty.
"First of all, to reflect the actual situation it is correctly to use the term "representatives of the parties," not "participants ", as all the delegations present in Geneva are certain parties", - said the Deputy Presidential Envoy to South Ossetia.
Khokh Gagloyty noted that "South Ossetia has been moving in the direction of progress in the settlement of relations between the Republic of South Ossetia and Georgia."
"Our position has always been clear and open, - continued Gagloyty. - We are committed to building bilateral relations with Georgia, based on the highest standards of international law.
Any other approaches to this issue, covered by some cunning advocated, but not related to reality, dogmas, are attempts to distort the meaning and essence of the issues. "
Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the RSO for post-conflict settlement Khokh Gagloyty has also focused on the statement of the Permanent Representative of Georgia to the UN Kakha Imnadze, in which it was stated that "Georgia does not see the need to establish a direct dialogue with Abkhazia and South Ossetia, and prefers to negotiate with Russia ".
"This sentence clearly makes it clear whose position is a barrier to the "tangible progress ", the need for which was expressed by the respected UN Secretary-General, - stated Khokh Gagloyty. - With regard to the phrase "the construction of the border", used by the UN Secretary-General, - it is a statement that creates a false perception of the observer. "
The state border of South Ossetia exists since the proclamation of the state sovereignty of South Ossetia on May 29, 1992.
"Along the of the state border line of the Republic of South Ossetia on its South Ossetian - Georgian section is being carried out the planned work. In this case, apparently, it is appropriate to note that similar work is being carried out on the South Ossetian - Russian section of the state border of South Ossetia ", - said Gagloyty.
He also noted that "another demonstration of categoricalness of the Representative of Georgia to the United Nations is very flawed and designed to mislead the international community, hence the lack of comparability as follows (in objective analysis) productive approach to conflict resolution of the South Ossetian and Georgian sides."


Sun, 09/08/2015 - 13:13

Ossetian diaspora have organized commemorative events on the occasion of the seventh anniversary of the August War

The events dedicated to the seventh anniversary of the war in August 2008, when the Georgian army attacked peaceful Tskhinval, are being held in many cities and republics of the former Soviet Union initiated by the members of the Ossetian diaspora.
In particular, in the Komi Republic is being marked Memorial Day.
In Adygea, in the city of Maikop are taking place the performances on the theme of courage and heroism of the defenders of Ossetia and Russian soldiers.

The Ossetian association in Vladimir region plans to hold a press conference on the occasion of the Georgian aggression, as well as a meeting with civil society organizations on the theme of the struggle against fascism and Nazism.

Events will be held in the House of youth of the city of Voronezh, in particular, meetings with non-governmental organizations, with the participation of representatives of local authorities, community leaders and youth. The events are led by the head of the Voronezh Diaspora "Farn" Uruzmag Bestaev.

In Rostov-on-Don are meeting with the assistance of the city administration with candles and balloons released into the sky.

In the Volgograd region commemorative events will be held at the monument to the Hero of Russia Denis Vetchinov, who died a hero's death in an unequal battle against the Georgian aggressors.


Tue, 04/08/2015 - 09:34

Questions of organization of the commemorative events dedicated to the 7th anniversary of the August war, were discussed at the meeting with the President of South Ossetia

South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov held a meeting with the heads of ministries and departments, heads of city and district administrations.
At the beginning of the meeting were discussed questions of organization of mourning events dedicated to the 7th anniversary of the August 2008.

"This year will be seven years since another armed attack of Georgia against our Republic, our people - the president said. - We have no right to forget those days, and we will never forget them. We will remember those who laid down their lives for today. "

The State Adviser to the President, the Chairman of the Committee for preparation and holding of socially significant events Zhanna Zasseeva presented the plan of commemoration of the 7th anniversary of the war in August 2008.

According to her, the ceremonies will begin August 7 in the building of the Russian peacekeepers battalion and will end with the action "Fires in the towers."
"On the Theater Square of Tskhinval will start the actions "We remember everything, " " On the way of memory "," - said Zasseeva.

She has noted that in the ceremonies will also take part mothers of the Russian soldiers killed during the war in August 2008.

In the course of the meeting, the heads of agencies and ministries reported to the President about their activities.

According to the Interior Ministry Akhsar Lavoev, the situation for two weeks in the Republic was calm.

"During this period there was not a single crime - said Lavoev. - Registered 11 incidents of a different nature.

Leonid Tibilov instructed the head of the Interior Ministry to intensify efforts to solve these crimes.

Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy of South Ossetia for post-conflict settlement Murat Dzhioev reported to the President about the work done by his Office.

"This month, there were two meetings in the framework of the IPRM, the first of which was initiated by us in connection with the incidents at the state border - said Dzhioev. - In the course of this meeting international representatives have noted that there were no any violations of the border line by South Ossetian side. One of the highlights of these actions staged by Georgia was the arrival of the Chairman of the European Council, Donald Tusk. After visiting the border line, he has commented nothing, as he saw himself that there were no any violations. "

Emergencies Minister Sergei Sanakoev said that the situation in the Republic was stable.

"The only thing is that due to weather conditions increased the number of fires - said Sanakoev. - Last week the fire brigade 31 times went on the location of the fire. "

The meeting also raised the issue of the proper use of the national flag. According to the president, the attitude to the state symbols should be careful.

The participants of the meeting decided to prohibit individual entrepreneurs from using the coloring of the flag for commercial purposes.


Fri, 31/07/2015 - 16:44

South Ossetia and Russia have exchanged instruments of ratification

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of South Ossetia to the Russian Federation Znaur Gassiev and State Secretary - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Grigory Karasin have exchanged instruments of ratification of the Agreement on Alliance and Integration between the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation,
As IA "Res" was informed at the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia, "in accordance with Article 14, the Treaty entered into force from the date of exchange of instruments of ratification".
The ceremony took place at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

The Agreement on Alliance and Integration between South Ossetia and Russia was signed March 18, 2015 by the presidents of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov and Russian President Vladimir Putin.


Thu, 30/07/2015 - 13:02

In Moscow will be opened the exhibition of young artists of South Ossetia "Contemporaries of the Republic"

Today, as part of the third season of the Annual August Festival "South Ossetia" in the Moscow Exhibition Hall "Gallery AZ" opens an exhibition of three young artists from South Ossetia. Young painters Dzerassa Gagloyeva, Valeria Kumaritova and Sabina Eyhorst are contemporaries of South Ossetia, which this year will celebrate the 25th anniversary of proclamation of the Republic.
As the curator of the project Tsopan Gassiev told the news agency "Res", the paintings of the young artists will be presented for the first time on such a serious platform.
"The paintings are very interesting - vivid, bright, beautiful," - he said.
Dzerassa Gagloyeva is a graduate of the South Ossetian State Lyceum of Arts and the faculty of "Arts" of the North Ossetian State University.
Valeria Kumaritova also graduated from the faculty of "Arts" of the North Ossetian State University.
Sabina Eyhorst is a graduate of the South Ossetian State Lyceum of Arts, as well as the
Moscow State University of Design and Technology, Department of Interior Design.
The exhibition will be held from July 30 to August 9.
As part of the annual August festival in Moscow, the exhibition "Gallery AZ" is held for the third time.
Last season, as part of the festival was presented a personal exhibition of the talented Ossetian sculptor Dmitry Tomaev (1953-1989) "The soul of stone," and in 2013 an exhibition of the National artist of South Ossetia Khsar Gassiev "Before the Dawn".
"Gallery A3" - is the oldest gallery in Moscow, where are exhibited paintings of many well-known painters.
