

The next round of Geneva Discussions on Transcaucasia is scheduled for June

In Switzerlandhas finished the 23rd round of the international Geneva discussions on security and stability in Transcaucasia.
As the news agency "Res" was informed over the phone from Geneva by head of the South Ossetian delegation to the Geneva talks Murat Dzhioev, the main issue of this round was ensuring of the security of South Ossetia and Abkhazia by Georgia.


Wed, 27/03/2013 - 20:36

Public Chambers of South Ossetia and Chechnya signed a cooperation agreement

Public Chambers of the Republic of South Ossetia and Chechnya signed a cooperation agreement.
The meetingof the Public Chamber members of South Ossetia, Chechnya and the Voronezh region was attended by the Ambassador of Russia in South Ossetia Elbrus Kargiev, who noted that the establishment of the public institutions, the civil society development would be for the benefit of the state.


Tue, 26/03/2013 - 22:46

The participants of the Geneva discussions consider necessary a declaration on non-use of force

The 23rd round of discussions on security in Transcaucasia has started in Geneva.
As the news agency "Res" has been informed over the phone from Geneva by the head of the South Ossetian delegation, Presidential Envoy for post-conflict settlement Murat Dzhioev, for the first day of the talks were held bilateral consultations with the international organizations and with some delegations.


Mon, 25/03/2013 - 16:40

The next meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission of Russia and South Ossetia will be held in April

Preparation for the implementation of the investment program of socio-economic development of South Ossetia in 2013 will be discussed in Tskhinval on April 16 at a regular meeting of the Intergovernmental Russian-South Ossetian Commission. This was said by the RSO President Leonid Tibilov at the enlarged meeting of the heads of ministries and agencies of the Republic.

Mon, 25/03/2013 - 16:34

Media Review of Georgia:Saakashvili has become a burden, education in Georgia is worse than in Chad, but the country is longing to fight in Mali

Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili, who, after the constitutional reforms and parliamentary elections is divested of the most important presidential powers, is already considered as a burden to the once ruling party "National Movement.
According to a PR- techniques expert Soso Galumashvili, "it is questionable, whether Mikhail Saakashvili will be a useful and acceptable figure to the "nationals" in the new political arena. At this stage it is difficult to say, whether Saakashvili will be a burden to "National Movement".
