Tue, 22/03/2011 - 17:37

The Regional museum will be restored in South Ossetia

60 million roubles has been directed on the designing, heavy repair and reconstruction of the state historian-regional museum of South Ossetia. It has been reported IA "Res" by the press-service of the president and the government of RSO.
It has been noted that these means will be transferred within the framework of the Investment program for assistance of restoration of the Republic of South Ossetia in 2011.

Tue, 22/03/2011 - 17:21

More than 1 billion roubles are planned to direct on realization of the state program in South Ossetia

1 milliard 100 million roubles will be pointed at realization of the state target programs in South Ossetia in 2011. The leader of the press-service of the president and the government of RSO Vyacheslav Sedov has informed IA "Res" about this. "Within the framework of the Investment program for assistance the socio-economic development of the Republic of South Ossetia for the 2011 it has been worked out the variety of state target programs, - he has said , - amongst which of the largest scale are the programs of the development of agriculture and supporting and development of industry".

Tue, 22/03/2011 - 14:07

Chochiev: Following the double standards, the West is protecting Saakashvili, but is bombing Kaddafi

In the course of time the policy of double standards will be condemned, and the actions of Georgia .and many other countries, which today play the role of «peacemakers", will be sentenced legally. This has been declared by the Plenipotentiary of the President of South Ossetia on questions of after the conflict regulation Boris Chochiev, commenting the events in Libya.

Mon, 21/03/2011 - 17:33

"The children of South Ossetia" – the first copy has been issued

Soon the book of the well-known known South-Ossetan historian-documentalist Aleksey Margiev "The children of unconquered South Ossetia" will be issued. There will be the memoirs of the south-ossetian schoolchildren in the book about the terror, they outlived during the Georgian aggression 1989-1992 and 2008.

Mon, 21/03/2011 - 17:30

Serbian seedlings have been taken to South Ossetia

The seedlings of apples, grapes and plums are taken to the South Ossetia. How the chief of the Department of agriculture at the Ministry of economic development of RSO Dzhambolat Kozaev says, the seedlings will be given the farmers for five years under the goods credit facilities.

Mon, 21/03/2011 - 17:27

The War in August 2008. The eye-witnesses are telling. Zoya Dzhioeva

War never goes away without leaving a trace. The events of the august war 2008 have left the indelible trace in our hearts. That night I was alone at home. Having heard the blasts, I run into the cellar. The blasts were becoming more powerful. A missile hit the neighboring house the fragments of which hit my own house and beat out the window. I thought, I would not live before the morning. The next day of the war the lads of Tskhinval called on me, they were calming me me, that everything would be all right and that Russia would come and rescue us by all means. My sons also came, I could not describe my happiness, when I saw them alive, but each of their leavings made my heart tearing, each time I thought that I saw them the last time, but what I would be able to do?
I was persuaded to leave for, but how I could abandon my own children?

Sat, 19/03/2011 - 17:58

Inal Pliev: Opening "cozy corner of info centre of NATO" pursues far going purposes

Lately in secondary school in the Georgian village Ergneti, near the border adjusted to our country, it has been opened the so-called "cozy corner of the information centre of NATO in Georgia". In the opinion of experts, this fact witnesses only about the indefatigable desire of Georgia to enter the rows of this organization, rather then real steps in this direction.

Sat, 19/03/2011 - 17:57

The appeal of press-service of the Border Management of the Federal Security Service of Russia to the people of RSO

A state border – is one of the attributes of the modern state. Any state supposes the border, the protection and the guard of which expresses its state sovereignty.
In the terms of the unaccomplished conflict between the Republic of South Ossetia and Georgia and the non-recognition by the last one of the sovereignty of RSO, the passing of the border between the two states is specified by the Decree-law 2 The-All-Georgian Central Executive Committee and the Council of the National Commissar of the Georgian SSR "About the foundation of the Autonomous region of South-Ossetia" from April 22 1922.
During the last 20 years South Ossetia and Georgia have been found themselves in the condition of the open armed opposition, in the result of which in August 2008, by support of the Russian Federation, Republic of South Ossetia became the recognized sovereign state.
