Thu, 31/03/2011 - 16:55

The War in August 2008. The eyewitnesses are telling. Kristina Margieva

Margieva Kristina Hasanovna, 2000 d.b.
I`ll remember the war in August 2008 for the rest of my life. At night from 7 to 8 of August I was awaken by heavy shots and I was frightened very much. I did not understand what was occurring, my small brother, having awaken, began to cry. My mother ran up, took us in her arms, and we came down into the cellar. It was very dark, damp and awful there. I could not understand what was happening, why the shots were not stopping, my mother did not want to tell us anything.

Thu, 31/03/2011 - 10:37

The Mobile connection in South Ossetia has been restored

The mobile connection which was broken in the result of damage in TRANSKAM has been restored. The Chairman of the State Committee for information, connection and mass communications in South Ossetia Georgy Kabisov has reported IA "Res" that while undertaking the drilling works in Roksky tunnel on TRANSKAM, the rock crumbled up, in the result of which was damaged the cable – optical fiber.

Thu, 31/03/2011 - 10:35

The demographic policy of RSO has been discussed in the course of the Round table in Tskhinval

The Program of the national demographic policy ought to be worked out in South Ossetia. The participants of the Round table "The demographic policy of South Ossetia", which has been taken place today, on March 29in Tskhinval, came to this conclusion.
The organizer of this action is the South-Ossetian branch of the Institute of the Eurasian Researches jointly with the Republican political party "Unity". The main target of the Round table was setting up the working group for working at the Program of demographic development in Ossetia.

Mon, 28/03/2011 - 18:07

The War in August 2008. The eye-witnesses are telling. Tedeeva Darya

Tedeeva Darya Vasilievna, 1921 d.b., a dweller of Tskhinval.
Much trouble and misfortune I had to undergo during my life. How long I am conscious of myself, the georgians repeatedly undertook the attempts to seize our Native land. At night from 7-8 of August 2008 they once again attacked the South Ossetia. My family and I came down into the cellar. There was dark and damp there, but there was no another way out. We had even nothing taken with us.

Mon, 28/03/2011 - 12:14

Inal Pliev: in 2008 Georgia carried out the military aggression not only against South Ossetia, but also against Russia

The Head of so named monitoring mission of Eurounion (the same mission of the observers of Eurounion in Georgia) Hans-Yorg Haber at the seminar of the Parliamentary assembly of NATO "Rose Ros" in Tbilisi has declared that Russia is a side of the georgian-ossetian conflict, and that, "having acknowledged Abkhazia and s. n. South Ossetia, Moscow lost its lever for returning its influence on Tbilisi. This utterance has been commented by the independent South-Ossetian expert Inal Pliev.

Mon, 28/03/2011 - 12:01

Eduard Kokoity invites Hugo Chavez to visit South Ossetia

The president of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity has expressed the hope that in a short time the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Hugo Chavez will visit the RSO. He asked the ambassador of Venezuela Hugo Jose Garcia Hernandez, who is now in South Ossetia with a working visit, to send the invitation.

Fri, 25/03/2011 - 15:42

Their blood will remain for ever on the hands of georgians

20 years have passed! They will never be forgotten in Ossetia!
In March 24 1991 the Georgians attacked the ossetian village of Helchua. They were burning the houses, raping the women, did not spare even oldsters and children, many inhabitants of this village are hitherto considered missed in action.
There were the marks of cruel violence on the bodies of the murdered; many of them had been cut off their hands and legs. Amongst them was Nina Bestaeva, the chairman of the committee of the perished families, the missed in action and the wounded, Zarina Tedeeva is recollecting. Zarina herself had buried her husband then. He was among the victims of Eredskaya tragedy, who were brutally killed by the Georgian gunmen in March 18 of the same year.

Fri, 25/03/2011 - 15:40

The agreements with South Ossetia and Abkhazia about visa-free trips of the citizens have been ratified

The State Duma ratified two intergovernmental agreements with Abkhazia and South Ossetia about mutual visa-free trips of their citizens. The Agreement with Abkhazia is signed in October 2 2009 in Sukhum, but the Agreement with South Ossetia – in 1 February 2010 in Moscow. Both documents provide visa-free regime of trips of their citizens by the period about 90 days both with the foreign passport, and with the internal documents.
