Sat, 07/05/2011 - 15:03

The next meeting within the frames of MPRI will take place on June 17

Eight questions have been adopted to be on the agenda of the next meeting within the frames of the Mechanisms on prevention and reaction on incidents (MPRI). It has been reported IA "Res" at the office of the Plenipotentiary of the President of the RSO on questions of the post conflict settlement. It has been noted there that the meeting was conducted by Mr. Yussi Saressalo - a Deputy of the Mission of the EU observers who was appointed instead of Mr. Hansyorg Haber, whose term of power has been expired this year. Instead of the co-chairman of Geneva debates from OSCE Mr. Giedrius Chekuolis, the co-leading of the meeting was a secretary of OSCE Mr. Donatas Butkhus. As reported by the acting leader of the working group within the frames of MPRI from South Ossetia Guram Sobaev; the participants of the meeting have traditionally surveyed the incidents, which took place beyond both sides of the boundary of South Ossetia and Georgia, in particular, it was being discussed a question about the detained citizens of Georgia who violated the border of the RSO. "Three main questions have been emphasized in the course of the meeting: about the fate of the detained persons for both sides, the exit permit, in exclusive cases, to the place of incidents for confirming or rejecting the facts of violating the boundary of the RSO with the representatives of the Border Management of the Federal Security Service (FSS) of the RF in the RSO, the Border Service of the Committee of the State Security of the RSO and also the representatives of the Mission of the Observers of the European Union, as well as a question of providing safety in the area close to the boundary of South Ossetia and Georgia during the agricultural works ", - he has emphasized.

Thu, 05/05/2011 - 17:20

The next meeting within the framework of MPRI will take place on the border of South Ossetia and Georgia

On Thursday, 5 May the next meeting within the framework of the Mechanisms on prevention and reaction on incidents (MPRI) is planned to be conducted in the Georgian village Dvani bordered upon South Ossetia. It has been reported the IA "Res" by the representative of the Administration of the president of the RSO on questions of the post-conflict settlement. "There are eight questions on the agenda, which have been already approved for discussion at the meeting. Also the other questions, which may arise directly before the meeting will be discussed», - have noted the representative.

Thu, 05/05/2011 - 11:24

Eduard Kokoity: the Russian servicemen are providing peace not only in the RSO, but also in the whole region

The Joint military maneuvers consolidate friendship between South Ossetia and Russia. It has been declared today by the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Land forces, a general-colonel Alexander Postnikov in the course of the meeting with the President of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity and the Command of the Ministry of Defence of the RSO in Tskhinval.

Wed, 04/05/2011 - 18:51

The genocide of the ossetian people in the twenties of the XX century. We remember. Fatima Gazzaeva

Fatima Gazzaeva, 1955 d.b., a dweller of a village Khvtce Dzausky region, RSO:
I often heard about the history of genocide of the ossetian people in the twenties of the XX century from my grandmother Gano Dzhagaeva. When the punitive detachments of the Georgian menshevists assaulted upon the villages of South Ossetia, my grandmother lived in the village Zghubir in Dzausky region. She was married and had four small children. The family was large and friendly.

Wed, 04/05/2011 - 18:50

A Chairman of the Liberal-democratic party of Belarus has appealed to Lukashenko to acknowledge South Ossetia

Having speech at the XIII convention of the Liberal-Democratic party of the Republic of Belarus, a Chairman of the party Sergey Gaydukevich has appealed to the leadership of Belarus to acknowledge South Ossetia and Abkhazia. It has been reported the IA «RES by the press-service of the National Party of the RSO. "Returning to the issue of recognizing South Ossetia and Abkhazia we’ve addressed to the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko on the given question.

Tue, 03/05/2011 - 11:54

Two years standing guard over the boundary

Almost two years have passed, as the Russian border-guards have been protecting peaceful life of the people of South Ossetia. Two years ago in accordance with the Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of South Ossetia "About the joint efforts on guarding the state border of the Republic of South Ossetia", the Border management of the Federal Security Service of Russia has started patrolling the state border of the Republic.

Thu, 28/04/2011 - 18:12

The Statements of Georgia are comical as usual

Last Wednesday the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia called the visit of Sergey Lavrov to South Ossetia and Abkhazia the comical grotesque show. These two statements again testify that Georgia does not get on not only with the numerous countries, but it also has problems with the adequate perception of the reality. The planned working visit of the Minister for foreign affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov is the evidence of that the daily practical work .on setting up the system of interstate relations between our countries is going on. More than 50 of the most important agreements have been signed; - the tens of not less important agreements are in the stage of preparation. Very long ago passed the time, when the statements of the official Tbilisi were significant even for its western suzerains.

Wed, 27/04/2011 - 16:19

TV Space Bridge took place between the Ossetian and the American students

TV Space Bridge between the students of the Republic of South Ossetia and the United States of America. has taken place in the capital of South Ossetia -Tskhinval For the Ossetian side in the TV Space Bridge participated the students of the South-Ossetian State university, and for the American side - the students of the University of the city Tampa (USA, Florida). The representatives of the faculties of both universities also participated in the TV Space Bridge, which has taken place in the evening of April 26.

Wed, 27/04/2011 - 12:30

Sergey Lavrov has visited the 4-th Russian military base

The Foreign Secretary of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov has visited the 4-th Russian military base, which is stationed in South Ossetia. Here he has got the detailed information about the conditions of life and service of the Russian servicemen. Also, Lavrov has acquainted himself with the course of construction of the Russian Embassy building in the RSO, has driven around the micro-district «Moskovskiy». And, in the course of his planned visit to the Republic of South Ossetia Sergey Lavrov has laid the flowers on the memorial to the victims of the Georgian aggression in the courtyard of the secondary school №5 in Tskhinval and paid homage to the memory of the perished men.
