

Sun, 19/05/2013 - 20:07

Vadim Pukhaev: the first dead and wounded fell down on the floor of the truck, and I realized that we were being fired

Genocide May 20, 1992
Vadim Pukhaev, born in 1971

May 20, 1992 I, with my brother and my friend, were standing on a railway crossing in Tskhinval, waiting for a bus. We wanted to reach the village of Java along the bypass Zar road. At about 9:00 am a truck drove up to the bus stop, covered with tent: the driver said he would take us to Java. About 25-30 people, including us, sat in the truck body and near the village of Zar the car fan belt broke off. We were forced to stop. A lot of cars were passing in the direction of Java. After some time, the driver started the engine and we moved on. In the truck were also sitting women, children and the old people.

Sun, 19/05/2013 - 16:40

In South Ossetia will be commemorated the victims of the Zar tragedy

May 20 in South Ossetia, will be commemorated the Day of Memory and Grief. Exactly 21 years ago, the Georgian neo-fascists on the bypass road Tskhinval-Zar-Dzau from ambush brutally shot dead 33 people, mostly women, old people and children – the civilians who had left their homes Tskhinval, being shelled constantly at that time. The youngest of the victims was 11 years old.


Sat, 18/05/2013 - 14:15

By 2017 we will be able to achieve considerable success - Ministry of Economic Development of South Ossetia

The final version of the Medium-term program for socio-economic development of South Ossetia to 2017 will be approved by the government in the near future.
This has been said by the Minister for Economic Development of the Republic Zalina Khugati in the interview with IA "Res." She noted that the draft program was fully prepared and adopted by the Government of the Republic with some comments and improvement.


Fri, 17/05/2013 - 19:03

"The Days of the Ossetian culture in Europe" will start in the Netherlands

Next week in the Netherlands will start "The Days of the Ossetian culture in Europe." As reported to the news agency "Res" by one of the organizers of the exhibition, the head of the International non-profit association «Renaissance Sandidzan» Radion Pukhaev, "The Days of the Ossetian culture in Europe" will begin May 20 by opening the exhibition of the Ossetian artists (from a series of works of the project on the Ossetian culture and art "Arv-Art ") in the Flemish town of Hulst.

Fri, 17/05/2013 - 18:49

The II Congress of the Association of Universities of the self-proclaimed states is being held in South Ossetia

South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov has presented the state awards to the participants of the II Congress of the Association of Universities of the self-proclaimed states, which has started today in the Research institute in Tskhinval.
Leonid Tibilov greeted the organizers and participants of the meeting, thanking them for their hard work in building relationships and support in the development of the university cooperation.

Fri, 17/05/2013 - 14:54

The Co-Chairs of the Geneva Discussions arrived in Tskhinval

A meeting of co-chairs of the Geneva international discussions on security in Transcaucasia with the Presidential Envoy to South Ossetia Murat Dzhioev and members of the South Ossetian delegation at the Geneva talks is being held in Tskhinval.
At the beginning of the meeting the co-chairs were welcomed by Murat Dzhioev, who expressed the hope that their visit would contribute to further progress in the Geneva international process and the strengthening of peace and security in Transcaucasia.
"The challenges facing our talks are crisp - the contribution to safeguarding peace and security in South Ossetia and Abkhazia - said Dzhioev.
