

Tue, 30/04/2013 - 18:44

South Ossetia should keep its powder dry - President

Reliable protection of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the South Ossetia remains a key priority in foreign policy of the Republic. This was stated by the President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov, speaking with the first, after taking office, Presidential message to the people and to the Parliament of the Republic.

Tue, 30/04/2013 - 17:26

South Ossetian and Russian officials discussed the development of health care and social insurance in South Ossetia

Questions of establishing compulsory social insurance system and coordination of the project of the state program on the development of public health in South Ossetia in 2013 - 2020 were discussed in the course of a few days working visit to Moscow by the RSO Minister of Health and Social Insurance Gregory Kulidzhanov and the RSO Presidential State Adviser on social issues Rodion Siukaev.

Tue, 30/04/2013 - 14:25

Review of the Georgian media: Saakashvili's supporters are afraid of the investigation of the causes of the 2008 war and catastrophically lost their political influence

The "brooms revolution" in Georgia, which resulted in a vast majority of parliamentary seats won by earlier oppositional "Georgian Dream" of the current Prime Minister of Georgia Bidzina Ivanishvili, brought about changes in the activity of the Georgian media. One can observe, which of them has been still exercising loyalty to President Mikhail Saakashvili, and who has already changed his policy and is supporting the new government.
News agency "Georgia Online," has not changed its editorial policy in favor of political trends, trying on an unaccustomed role of opposing to the new Georgian regime. It has been consistently criticizing the policy pursued by the Ivanishvili`s team, as one can see from the headlines. One of them (April 28, 2013) reads: "Ivanishvili assessed the election as "normal" and has again "bitten" the "United National Movement". Here, the Chairman of the Georgian government is compared to a dog ... (which bites).


Mon, 29/04/2013 - 19:11

Members of the South Ossetian part of the Intergovernmental Commission discussed the timing and procedure for preparation of sectoral development programs

Members of the South Ossetian part of the Intergovernmental Committee on socio-economic cooperation between South Ossetia and Russia at today's meeting in Tskhinval have discussed with the Russian colleagues questions of sectoral development programs to be approved, which will be included in the investment program to promote socio-economic development of South Ossetia.


Sat, 27/04/2013 - 16:59

South Ossetian journalists attended the press conference of the governor of the Volgograd region

South Ossetian journalists attended the press conference of the governor of the Volgograd region of Russia Sergey Bozhenov with journalists from the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia, which took place within the framework of the International Historico- Cultural Forum "The Great Victory, won by unity: Peoples of the Caucasus in the Battle of Stalingrad " on April 25 in the city of Volgograd.


Fri, 26/04/2013 - 15:15

ICRC mission in South Ossetia has been supporting the large families in the implementation of micro-projects

The mission of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in South Ossetia has been supporting the low-income large families in the implementation of micro projects.
As IA "Res" was reported by a spokesperson of the ICRC mission in South Ossetia Marina Tedety, "as a result of last year's assessment of the living conditions of large families in South Ossetia, the ICRC mission selected potential participants in the program of microeconomic initiatives, which allows the families to provide a small but steady income."

Fri, 26/04/2013 - 13:10

Delegation of South Ossetia is taking part in the historico-cultural forum in Volgograd

The South Ossetian delegation is taking part in the Third International Historico-Cultural Forum "The Great Victory, won by unity: Peoples of the Caucasus in the Battle of Stalingrad", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad. The forum is being held in the Russian city of Volgograd, April 25-26.
On the first day of the forum, representatives of the South Ossetian delegation took part in the laying of wreaths and flowers in the hall of glory and at the tomb of Marshal Chuikov on Mamaev mound; they have also visited the exhibition "Together from Stalingrad to the Great Victory."
Then there was held a plenary session, during which representatives of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, Volgograd region, as well as heads of the delegations participating in the forum, made reports.
In his speech, President of the Development Fund "Institute of Eurasian Studies" Valery Tursunov has noted the importance of the Battle of Stalingrad, which became a decisive factor in the outcome of the struggle of the peoples of the USSR against the Nazi invaders.
"This victory inspired not only those who were fighting in the Great Patriotic War, but also the anti-Nazi around the world. But only you, veterans, know the real price of this victory, what you had to endure to gain it, and what is to protect the homeland to the last drop of blood, "- he emphasized.
The Acting President of the Republic of Dagestan Ramadan Abdullatipov has also addressed the participants of the plenary session.
"In the World War II all the peoples of the Caucasus were united in their struggle. German invaders were hoping that they could embroil our peoples and thereby destroy our country. This did not happen, because our fathers and grandfathers were worthy men and the part of their dignity and honor was the feeling of friendship of peoples – they were all in the same ranks, they were one nation, they were not the people of different nationalities, but only the patriots, "- he said.
Head of the Russian Presidential Administration for Interregional and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, Vladimir Chernov in his speech read out greetings of the Russian President Vladimir Putin to participants and guests of the forum.
On the same day, representatives of the South Ossetian delegation participated in the three sessions of the forum - "The Turning Point on the way to the Great Victory: Peoples of the Caucasus in the Battle of Stalingrad" which discussed the work of scholars in the study of the Battle of Stalingrad. Besides, South Ossetian participants of the forum attended the sessions "Searching movement: how to keep alive the memory of the Great Victory" and "Historical memory of the Great Victory in the eyes of young people", where the report was made by the representative of the Russian Union of Youth in South Ossetia Roman Dzhioev. He has noted the appreciation and honor of the victory of the Soviet people by the younger generation in South Ossetia; he has also presented the book "We remember the names of heroes."
At the end of the working part of the first day the participants adopted a resolution of the Third International Historico-Cultural Forum "The Great Victory, won by unity: Peoples of the Caucasus in the Battle of Stalingrad."
Then a reception was given by the Governor of the Volgograd Region Sergei Bozhenov, as well as the concert of performers and creative teams of the Volgograd region, Moscow, the North Caucasus and the Transcaucasian states.
