Fri, 09/04/2010 - 09:26

South Ossetian MFA: The Russian military servicemen’s presence attained legal frames

The signing of the Agreement on Joint Military Base is the continuity of the Agreement on Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Support concluded between the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation on 17 September 2008, stated Deputy Foreign Minister of South Ossetia Alan Pliev commenting on the signing of the Joint Military Base Agreement between the RF and RSO 6 April in Moscow. “Russian military personnel fulfilling here functions on preventing reoccurrence of Georgia’s aggressions, had officially attained legal frames for their presence in South Ossetia.

Wed, 07/04/2010 - 17:22

Russia and South Ossetia sign the Agreement on Joint Military Base

On 6 April, South Ossetian Defense Ministry Delegation headed by the Minister of Defense Lt.-Gen. Yury Tanaev arrived in Moscow. The delegation included the first deputy Minister of Defense Ibragim Gasseev and Chief of Staff of South Ossetian Armed Forces T. Tsaritov.
Today morning, at Poklonnaya hill war memorial the official welcoming ceremony for the South Ossetian Defense Minister took place with the participation of Guard of Honor company and an orchestra. The state flags of the Republic of South Ossetia and the Russian Federation were raised, the orchestra played national anthems of the two states.

Fri, 02/04/2010 - 10:03

Alan Djussoev: The staff of the UNHCR in Georgia are simply making money on grants provided by western countries

There are no refugees who left their placed of residence in Leningor district due to security threats based on their ethnic origin or any other diversity, stated the Head of Leningor district Administration Alan Djussoev, commenting on the statement of demography expert Avtandil Sulaberidze that "majority of asylum seekers abroad are refugees from currently occupied Akhalgori district, which the state was unable to protect". It is worth reminding that in 2009, Georgia was among the top ten states with the highest number of citizens seeking asylum abroad, and the first one in the list of state with the highest migration rate. This document was drafted by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

Fri, 02/04/2010 - 10:02

Joint Statement of the Republic of South Ossetia and Republic of Abkhazia at the 10th round of Geneva Talks

On 30 March, the 10th round of the international discussions on security and stability in South Caucasus taking place within the frames of the multilateral agreements of 12 August and 8 September 2008 was held in Palace of Nations, Geneva. Delegations of the Republic of Abkhazia, European Union, Russian Federation, United States of America and Republic of South Ossetia equally participate in the Geneva Discussions.

Wed, 31/03/2010 - 10:13

Georgian Authorities Released Three South Ossetia Detainees

The authorities of Georgia released three South Ossetians detained by law enforcement bodies of Georgia. Two of them – a resident of Tskhinval Gennady Pliev and a resident of vil. Didmukha Vadim Tadtaev were abducted from the territory of South Ossetia and charged with illegal carrying and keeping of arms. The third person – citizen of South Ossetia Khatuna Charaeva, resident of Leningor district, was detained in Tbilisi and charged with keeping counterfeit dollars.
As former detainees reported to journalists, they were forced to plead guilty in exchange to the possibility to be released under amnesty. According to Tadtaev, he "went through three trials, served the term and had no hope for a pre-term release." However, yesterday, on 29 March, he was all of a sudden taken from the prison and brought to the boundary line with South Ossetia.

Tue, 30/03/2010 - 19:14

Geneva Talks on Security in South Caucasus started in Geneva

The 10th round of the Geneva discussions on security in South Caucasus is starting today in Geneva (Switzerland).
The South Ossetian delegation is going to present to the talks participants its vision on the Non-Use of Force Agreement. "We hope that our proposals on the Non-Use of Force Agreement will be well-considered. Otherwise, we will have to perceive the Geneva discussions as a gathering of today's Georgia's allies meeting in Geneva to help implement the evil plans of Georgian authorities", stated the Special Representative for Post-Conflict Settlement Boris Chochiev before departing for Geneva.

Tue, 30/03/2010 - 19:12

Russian military contingent in South Ossetia to conduct combat training

The personnel of the military base deployed in the Republic of South Ossetia will participate in a training to be held at the South Ossetian Defense Ministry's firing range. As acting Defense Minister Ibragim Gasseev reported to RES Agency, the training is taking place from 30 March to 2 April. "The Military base tank detachment will be participating in the firing training to test their assigned military equipment", reported Gasseev.

Tue, 30/03/2010 - 10:42

Media-club opening ceremony to be held in Tskhinval

On 30 March 2010, an opening ceremony of South Ossetian Media-Center “Ir” will be held in Tskhinval. A round-table “Role of the media in strengthening of Russian-South Ossetian cooperation” will take place within the frames of the first day’s events.

Tue, 30/03/2010 - 10:41

Eduard Kokoity does not exclude the probability of terrorist acts in South Ossetia

In the light of the terrorist attacks in Moscow, the president of the Republic of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity tasked the law enforcement bodies to intensify their preventive activities to warn against subversive-terrorist acts on the territory of the republic. At the meeting with representatives of law enforcement and defense structures, the participants rose in the memory of the killed. Eduard Kokoity draw the attention of the law enforcement and defense representative to the information about transfer of prisoners from Guantanamo to Georgia.
