

Thu, 13/04/2017 - 15:33

Leonid Tibilov congratulated Anatoly Bibilov on winning the presidential election

President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov met with the new head of state Anatoly Bibilov, who won the elections on April 9.
Tibilov congratulated Anatoly Bibilov on his election as president of the country and wished him success in his new post.
"You have become the new president of the country for the next five years," said Tibilov. "I want to congratulate you on behalf of myself, as well as on behalf of the government and voters, whom we should thank for having taken such active part in the elections."


Wed, 12/04/2017 - 19:30

Anatoly Bibilov won the presidential election with 54.8% of votes - the CEC

At a meeting of the Central Election Committee of South Ossetia, according to the final data, Anatoly Bibilov has been declared the elected president of the Republic with 54.8% of votes.
The data were presented to media by the Chairman of the Central election Committee Bella Plieva
Plieva has also noted that the inauguration of the elected president will be held on April 22.

Wed, 12/04/2017 - 19:27

Syria: there is hope for peace, but the decisive word will tell the time

Recently, certain prospects for a peaceful settlement have emerged in the Syrian Arab Republic. The conditions for this were largely created thanks to the military successes of Russia. Of course, the West does not agree with this development. Despite the coming to power in the United States of forces, at least in words advocating for a dialogue with Russia, the leadership of the Pentagon retains certain inertia in this direction. This leads to continued attempts to cast a shadow on Moscow's peacekeeping activities.


Mon, 10/04/2017 - 17:44

Leonid Tibilov: This is the choice of people and we should reasonably approach to this fact

The President of South Ossetia, Leonid Tibilov, received a delegation from the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, headed by the Minister of Justice of the PMR Alexander Shevchenko, who arrived in South Ossetia as international observers for the presidential elections of the RSO and told.
As reported to IA "Res" by the press Secretary of the President of the Republic Ghana Yanovskaya, the meeting was also attended by the Foreign Minister Murat Dzhioev and acting Minister of Justice Marina Bestaeva.

Mon, 10/04/2017 - 17:42

Anatoly Bibilov scored 57, 98% in the elections in South Ossetia

Preliminary data on the elections and referendum in South Ossetia at a briefing in the Information Center of the Central Election Commiее in Tskhinval was announced by CEC Chairman Bella Plieva.
"For this hour, were processed the data of all polling stations except for the Dzau district of the Republic and three polling stations in North Ossetia," Plieva said.
According to her, Anatoly Bibilov scored 57, 98%, Alan Gagloev - 11, 1%, Leonid Tibilov - 30%. Against all voted 1, 52% of voters.


Sun, 09/04/2017 - 21:39

Members of the CEC of the Russian Federation, observing the elections in South Ossetia, have noted the high voter turnout

A member of the CEC, Siyabshah Shapiyev, observing the presidential elections and the referendum in South Ossetia, have noted the high voter turnout at the polling stations.
"Our group visited more than 20 polling stations, and we witnessed that all of them were opened in time," Shapiyev said. - During the voting, there was an active voter turnout. We have not seen any violations during the voting ".
The observer has noted that the CEC representatives have the best impressions of the electoral process in the Republic.

Sun, 09/04/2017 - 21:36

South Ossetia for every Russian means a great deal, - Alexander Totoonov

Leonid Tibilov has received the delegation of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
The President has welcomed the guests, noting that people of South Ossetia are grateful to Russia.
"We plan to further strengthen relations with our strategic partner, the Russian Federation," said Tibilov. "
The head of state noted a good activity of voters on the vote.
"Elections always bring a burst of emotions to the public life," said Tibilov. "We are working to maintain a stable situation in the Republic."

Sun, 09/04/2017 - 17:03

Members of the CEC of the Russian Federation, observing the elections in South Ossetia, have noted the high voter turnout

A member of the CEC, Siyabshah Shapiyev, observing the presidential elections and the referendum in South Ossetia, have noted the high voter turnout at the polling stations.
"Our group visited more than 20 polling stations, and we witnessed that all of them were opened in time," Shapiyev said. - During the voting, there was an active voter turnout. We have not seen any violations during the voting ".
The observer has noted that the CEC representatives have the best impressions of the electoral process in the Republic.

Sun, 09/04/2017 - 16:35

Election in the Republic was successful, Bella Plieva

Voter turnout in the presidential elections in South Ossetia at 14.00 is 52, 79 percent, reported the Сhairman of the Central Election Committee of South Ossetia Bella Plieva in the press center of the South Ossetian Election Committee.
"The percentage of voters in Tskhinval by 14.00 is 49, 20 percent, in Tskhinval district - 55, 6 %, in Dzau district - 56, 59 %, in Kvaisa - 67,14% , in Znaur district - 59, 98, %, in Leningor district - 62, 21%," said Plieva.
According to her, based on the data at 14.00 one can say that the election in the Republic was successful.

Sun, 09/04/2017 - 15:57

Voter turnout in the Republic at 12.00 is 33, 487%

Voter turnout in the presidential elections and the referendum in the Republic at 12.00 is 33.487 percent, reported the Сhairman of the Central Election Committee of South Ossetia Bella Plieva in the press center of the South Ossetian Election Committee.
"The percentage of voters in Tskhinval by 12.00 is 31, 233 percent, in Tskhinval district - 35, 294 % , in Dzau district - 14, 236 %, in Kvaisa - 44, 972% , in Znaur district - 33, 475 %, in Leningor district - 44, 957 %," said Plieva.
Plieva has also pointed out the activity of voters in the territory of North Ossetia.
