

Sat, 21/06/2014 - 01:24

Joint statement of the delegations of Abkhazia and South Ossetia at the Geneva discussions

For several years, the UN General Assembly has been adopting the draft resolution introduced by Georgia on refugees and internally displaced persons from Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Repeating from year after year the text of the document, Georgia tries to impose on the world community one-sided, politicized and distorted vision of the refugee question, in order to back up its illegitimate territorial claims.




Fri, 13/06/2014 - 11:40

Leonid Tibilov: Russia is a strong and confident in its abilities and prospects country of a great international standing

June 12 Russian people celebrate an important political holiday – Russia Day. Today the Russian Federation meets this date as a strong and confident in its abilities and prospects country of great international standing. This was stated by the President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov at a state reception on the occasion of Russia Day in the Russian Embassy in the Republic of South Ossetia, where were also invited members of the government, MPs, heads of the town and district administrations, representatives of scientific and creative intelligentsia of the Republic.


Thu, 05/06/2014 - 22:20

At the meeting of MPRI South Ossetian side expressed concern about the hunger strike of prisoners in Georgia

In the course of the meeting in the format of Mechanisms to prevent and respond to incidents (MPRI) South Ossetian delegation expressed concern about a hunger strike of prisoners in Georgia, said after the meeting Deputy Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy of South Ossetia on post conflict settlement Khokh Gagloyty. Georgian delegation has reported that the convicts to life imprisonment are dissatisfied that they were not included in the amnesty and there were not bettered conditions after the change of political leadership in Georgia.


Tue, 03/06/2014 - 20:25

South Ossetian President has received the Minister of Construction of the Republic of Tatarstan

South Ossetian President Leonid Tibilov has received the Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Tatarstan Irek Fayzullin, arrived in the Republic on a working visit.
At the beginning of the meeting the head of state has stressed that the reconstruction works in the Republic entered the active phase, he listed the projects, commissioning of which is planned in the near future. The President thanked the representatives of the Ministry of Construction of Tatarstan for the assistance, professionalism and responsible attitude to their work.

