

Tue, 20/08/2013 - 10:07

The economic potential and the development of South Ossetia were discussed at a conference in Tskhinval

Today in the capital of South Ossetia at the initiative of the youth movement "Iry Sombon" was held the conference "The economic potential and the development of South Ossetia." The discussion was attended by the Head of the Department of Small and Medium Enterprises of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic Pavel Kumaritov, director of the Media Center "Ir" Irina Gagloeva, head of the organization, "Academy of sociological analysis" Alan Chochiev, chairman of the movement, "Iry Sombon" Vyacheslav Khoziev, as well as members of the public and students.

Tue, 20/08/2013 - 10:06

Festive events will be held in South Ossetia timed to the fifth anniversary of its independence

The fifth anniversary of Russia's recognition of the independence of South Ossetia Republic will be celebrated by festive events. As the news agency "Res" was reported at the commission for the preparation and conducting of socially significant events, the celebration of this significant date will begin August 24 - when the South Ossetian and Russian alpinists will climb the highest peak in South Ossetia - Khalatsa mountain (3938 meters above sea level). On the same day will open a personal exhibition of the artist Felix Gabaraev.


Sat, 17/08/2013 - 11:34

South Ossetia plans to develop its own hydropower

South Ossetia has enough water resources to build a network of hydropower plants in the Republic, capable of producing its own electricity twice as much as the population and the enterprises are consuming today, said the Chairman of the Committee on Industry, Energy and Transport Vasily Dzasseev at the briefing in Tskhinval.



Thu, 15/08/2013 - 13:43

For two weeks in South Ossetia were discovered three weapons caches

From 1 to 15 August 2013 the border guards of the FSS Border Control Agency of Russia in South Ossetia detained three violators of the state border and four violators of the border regime. AS IA "Res" was informed at the press service of the FSS Border Control Agency of Russia in South Ossetia, the offenders were handed over to the Border Service of the KGB of South Ossetia for further proceedings.

Thu, 15/08/2013 - 10:05

South Ossetian State University and the North Caucasian Federal University discussed the cooperation plans

The rector of the South Ossetian State University Vadim Tedeev met with representatives of the North Caucasian Federal University, arrived in South Ossetia on a working visit. The delegation has included the Director of the Institute of Law of the North Caucasian Federal University Dmitry Smirnov and the Deputy Director Maxim Trofimov. The meeting was also attended by the South Ossetian State University pro-rector for academic affairs Stanislav Gobozov, lectures of the faculty of jurisprudence Anatoly Pliev and Madina Alborova.


Wed, 14/08/2013 - 17:33

The cross procession in honor of the holy day is under way in South Ossetia

The cross procession from the capital of South Ossetia Tskhinval to the ancient temple of St. George, attended by the Orthodox Christians of the Republic, is under way.
As IA "Res" has been informed by the Priest of the Cathedral of Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Jacob Khetagurov, the cross procession is taking place with the icon of Our Lady – the Comforter of Tskhinval.

Wed, 14/08/2013 - 16:15

Presidium of the South Ossetian Parliament has approved a number of sectoral development programs

Programs for the development of some sectors of South Ossetia were discussed today at a special meeting of the Presidium of Parliament chaired by the Speaker Stanislav Kochiev.
As IA "Res" was reported at the press service of the Parliament of the Republic, the Chairman of the Committee on Social Policy and Health Alexander Pliev had introduced a draft sectoral program "Development of Health for 2013 2020." He has noted that the program meets all the needs and requirements of public health and has recommended bringing it for discussion at the session.
