

Sat, 14/02/2009 - 10:40

Boris Chochiev: "The intention was simple, the Georgian side wants the SO law enforcement bodies to respond to provocations"

"It is not by chance that the Georgian side has been recently organizing various provocations", stated the RSO President"s Plenipotentiary for Post-conflict Settlement Boris Chochiev. "We have learned Georgia"s provocative methods through these years and these provocations always happen right before some important meetings", said Chochiev. "We believe that Geneva talks are extremely important. We will be adopting the finalized mechanism for incident prevention. And it is clear, that this mechanism should have been agreed before to be able to rapidly react to these provocations. Nonetheless, at the last meeting, the Georgian side had forwarded conditions that appeared unacceptable for us and that is why this prevention mechanism had not been agreed", he noted.


Thu, 12/02/2009 - 16:21

Murat Djioev: "We consider the acts of OSCE Mission military monitors as provocative"

"The repeated cases of violation of the RSO state border by OSCE Mission military monitors contribute to aggravation of the situation and speak for the fact that the OSCE military observers could not cope with their functions which they still have in Georgia", said RSO Foreign Minister Murat Djioev.
"Two days in a row the military observers of the OSCE Mission to Georgia attempted an illegal penetration into the territory of Tskhinval district of the Republic of South Ossetia and were stopped in the area of Adsvistavi village.

Thu, 12/02/2009 - 16:12

MFA News Release

On 10 February 2009, the personnel of the Artsevi interior department personnel had observed and stopped a vehicle with two OSCE Mission military monitors not far from the village of Adzvistav of Tskhinval District. The monitors had illegally crossed the state border of the Republic of South Ossetia. In the conversation with the monitors, they stated that this fact was a pure misunderstanding. After necessary explanations and formalities, the monitors left the territory of South Ossetia.

Thu, 12/02/2009 - 16:08

OSCE Monitors had again illegally crossed the border of South Ossetia

Today, OSCE vehicle carrying military observers had again crossed the state border of South Ossetia from Georgia, reports the RSO MoD.
"The OSCE vehicle had crossed the border of South Ossetia near the village of Artsev. This fact had been recorded by the check-point of the RSO MoD. After SO defense ministry staff had tried to stop the OSCE vehicle, it turned round and left the territory of South Ossetia", reported the RSO MoD.

Thu, 12/02/2009 - 16:05

RSO NGOs had discussed the role of the third sector in informing international community about the August aggression by Georgia

For the first time after the August aggression, representatives of NGOs met at NGO Resource Center. The meeting was devoted to the role of NGOs in informing international community about the events in South Ossetia. "We should continue our work as we used to work after the August tragedy. We achieved a huge breakthrough in the informational blockade. It is not a secret that exchange of information is extremely important nowadays," mentioned Lira Tskhovrebova, Director of Association of Women of SO for Democracy and Human Rights.

Thu, 12/02/2009 - 15:57

On the results of the working meeting between Alexei Miller and Eduard Kokoity

On 10 February, a working meeting between the Chairman of GAZPROM Alexei Miller and RSO President Eduard Kokoity was held at the central office of GAZPROM. The sides had discussed the process of rehabilitation of the gas infrastructure of South Ossetia destroyed during the hostilities. A special attention has been paid to the new gas pipeline from North Ossetia to South Ossetia and management of natural gas supply to South Ossetia.


Tue, 10/02/2009 - 13:09

EU, UN and OSCE representatives had positively assessed the meeting in Tskhinval

"The purpose of today"s visit was to make necessary arrangements for the upcoming Geneva consultations to be held on 17-18 February", said the EU envoy Pierre Morel. "At today"s meeting we touched upon a wide range of problems related to security and stability, incident preventing and confidence-building, as well as humanitarian issues, such as the problem of the missing, water, electricity and gas supply", said Ambassador Morel.

Tue, 10/02/2009 - 13:07

Murat Djioev: "South Ossetia is ready to build up friendly neighbor relations with Georgia and expects Georgia"s pragmatic approach"

"The statement by the acting Foreign Minister of Georgia Grigol Vashadze that Georgia would not sign an agreement on non-use of force with Abkhazia and South Ossetia is the sign of continuing last years" policy of Georgia", said Murat Djioev, the RCO Foreign Minister. According to him, "even before the August event we have raised the issue at the level of international organization on the necessity to influence Georgia to sign an Memorandum on non-use of force.

Tue, 10/02/2009 - 13:06

OSCE, UN and EU delegation pays a visit to Tskhinval

A meeting of the RSO President"s for Post-conflict settlement Boris Chochiev and RSO Foreign Minister Murat Djioev with the delegation of OSCE, EU and UN was held in Tskhinval. The delegation includes OSCE Chairman-in-Office Special Representative Christopoulos, UN SG Special Representative in Georgia Verbeke, the EU Special Representative Morel and other representatives of the organizations.

Tue, 10/02/2009 - 13:04

A kindergarten came under Georgian side"s fire

The Georgian side had fired at the living area of Tskhinval. «At 5:10 a.m. two shots of RPG-7 (manufactured in 1978) were made from the village of Nikozi. The launched grenades self-exploded in the location of kindergarten in Djioev Ave. No casualties were reported," says the SO MoD Press-Service.
