

Mon, 19/01/2009 - 11:36

Yuri Dzidtsoity: «Life realities had shown how right our decisions and actions were»

On 19 January 1992, the Referendum of the Republic of South Ossetia on independence and unfification with Russia had shown «the legal validity of democratic changes implemented by thge Republic"s Supreme Soviet and Government based on strict adherence to norms of international law and frames for managing national and political tasks» (extract from the Statement of the RSO Central Election Commission).

Yuri Dzitsoity, Vice-Speaker of the RSO Parliament: We are celebrating the 17th Anniversary of the Referendum already in a recognized state. We should bear in mind that this Referendum was held right after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in full accordance with adopted Soviet Union Law on «Procedure for secession of Union Republics», which envisaged referendum in the breakaway Republic. It is worth mentioning that the Law provided procedures for the case when the Republic had its autonomous entities.

Mon, 19/01/2009 - 11:33

Meeting Between Foreign Ministers of the Russian Federation and the Republic of South Ossetia is to be held 20 January

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of RSO Murat Djioev is meeting with the RF Foreigm Minister Sergei Lavrov Tuesday, 20 January. «RSO Foreign Minister Murat Djioev is having a formal working meeting with Foreign Minister of the RF Sergei Lavrov. The South Ossetian delegation also includes Special Representative of the RSO President on post-conflict issues Boris Chochiev», said Deputy Foreign Minister Alan Pliev.


Fri, 16/01/2009 - 15:47

OSCE and EU should admit their responsibility for the events of August 2008

«Taking into consideration the biased approach, mistakes and even negligence committed by OSCE representatives, we feel no particular confidence in this international organization», stated the President of RSO Eduard Kokoity at 14 January press-conference summing up the results of the Y2008. «The OSCE showed its activeness and initiative to help us in resuming gas supply to the Republic. If they manage to solve the problem, we would appreciate it. Therefore, if the OSCE have understood their mistakes and negligence, we should continue our contacts with them.

Fri, 16/01/2009 - 15:43

Murat Djioev: "The Georgian armed forces trained and equipment particularly by the United States were among those participating in the aggression against South Ossetia"

«The Georgian authorities had received and are receiving substantial support from the United States, including assistance weapons and trainings provided to the Georgian armed forces to increase their military capacities», stated the RSO Foreign Minister commenting on the signing of the Georgian-U.S. Charter on Strategic Partnership.


Wed, 14/01/2009 - 18:32

Eduard Kokoity: Caucasus is our common land and we should invest here maximum of our efforts and patience to preserve peace and stability

The U.S. as well as Georgia are responsible for the August 2008 events in South Ossetia, stated the President of RSO Eduard Kokoity at the press-conference to brief on the results of the Y2008. Having commented on the signing of US.-Georgia Charter on Strategic Partnership, the President stressed that “the U.S. together with the NATO member states are responsible for escalation of tensions and organization of aggression against South Ossetia, but nonetheless, the U.S. had not learnt any lesson”.


Tue, 13/01/2009 - 17:02

The RSO President and OSCE delegation discussed gas supply problem

The President of RSO Eduard Kokoity met the OSCE delegation consisting of Special Representative of the Chairman-in-Office (CiOSR) Ambassador Charalampos Christopoulos, CiOSR Adviser Alexis Katsareas, OSCE Secretariat Representative Peter Svedberg and Energy Expert Werner Johannides. The South Ossetian side was represented by the Deputy Prime-Minister Khasan Pliev, Foreign Minister Djioev Murat and Deputy Foreign Minister Alan Pliev. The meeting focused on issues related to resumption of Russian gas supply to South Ossetia through the territory of Georgia.

Tue, 13/01/2009 - 17:00

OSCE monitored the gas pipeline in South Ossetia

According to Deputy Foreign Minister of South Ossetia Alan Pliev, The OSCE representatives visiting South Osseitia together with South Ossetian gas company representatives reached the village of Tbet where the gas transmission station is located. On the spot, they could verify that there were no damaged parts of the pipeline within the territory of South Ossetia. “Moreover, according to experts, for a month after the hostilities ended, the same level of pressure had been observed in the pipeline and this meant that there was no leakage on the territory of South Ossetia”, said Pliev.


Mon, 12/01/2009 - 11:46

A living house came under Georgian side"s fire

On 11 January, a fire was opened from the Georgian village of Nikozi bordering with South Ossetia (south-west part of Tskhinval) targeting popiulated area of Tskhinval. This incident was reported to the RES Ageny by Deputy Defense Minister of the RSO Ibragim Gasseev.


Mon, 22/12/2008 - 11:44

ICRC Continues Its Water and Habitat Program in South Ossetia

Tskhinvali (ICRC), 19 December 2008 – Today, the ICRC handed over a garbage truck to the city administration of Tskhinvali within the framework of its Water and Habitat program. "The August hostilities had significantly decreased the capacities of city housing and communal services and their ability to maintain regular scavenging", noted Dmitri Djussoev, the Head of Tskhinvali Housing and Communal Service Department.
