Fri, 13/11/2009 - 11:44

The Missing File has been discussed at Geneva Talks

The South Ossetian side states about suspension in its participation in the work of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism, reported the Special Representative for Post-Conflict Settlement Boris Chochiev.
"During the Geneva talks on security in South Caucasus, we have circulated our delegation's statement that unless the Georgian side provides us with information concerning our citizens abducted by Georgian special services both during the war in August 2008 and after it, we will withdraw out participation in the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism established within the frames of the Geneva talks", said Chochiev.

Wed, 11/11/2009 - 10:16

ICRC: Contributing to a More Sustainable Living of People Affected by the Armed Conflict

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has delivered equipment to the first 13 families among those supported under the program of micro-economic initiatives (MEI) in Tskhinval. The program started at the end of July 2009 with dissemination sessions for families residing in the nine collective centers for displaced persons. Totally, the ICRC has received 116 project proposals, mainly in the field of small production and services, among which 55 were selected as most realistic and result-oriented.

Tue, 10/11/2009 - 10:58

ICRC and media representatives visited Georgian citizens detained in RSO

The four Georgian citizens detained 4 November by the law enforcement bodies of South Ossetia feel well. No means of physical or psychological pressure were used against them, the detainees themselves reported to journalists while at the Pre-trial Detention Facility (IVS) of the RSO Interior Ministry in Tskhinval.
According to the detainees, they were aware of the charges against them in illegal crossing of the state border of South Ossetia and illegal possession of explosives. In the meantime, the suspects reject their possessing hand-grenades and explosives stating that the bag they had contained nothing but food.

South Ossetian Delegation will participate in the Eighth Round of the Geneva Talks

South Ossetian Delegation has left for Geneva to participate in the 8th Round of the Geneva Discussions on Security and stability in the Caucasus, reported the Head of South Ossetian delegation to the Geneva discussions Boris Chochiev.
According to him, “the eighth round of the consultations on security and stability in South Caucasus (Geneva discussions), which will take place on 11 November in Geneva, will focus on the elaboration of a draft agreement on non-use of force, and work on basic elements of non-use of force papers as well as international security arrangements.”

Tue, 10/11/2009 - 10:55

Eduard Kokoity: There will be not stable economy without support to small and medium-sized enterprise

The President of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity received a group of entrepreneurs. The First Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zelig, Minister for Economic Development Alexander Zhmailo, Finance Minister Irina Sytnic, Prosecutor General Tamuraz Khugaev, Chairman of the committee for state control and economic security Batradz Tokazov, and the Chairman of the Committee for Taxation Konstantin Koliev attended the meeting.

Thu, 05/11/2009 - 17:49

Eduard Kokoity received the Head of Leningor District Administration

RSO President Eduard Kokoity received the Head of Leningor District Administration Alan Djussoev. During the meeting, the general situation in the District, the issues related to the road construction and installation of electricity line, as well as elaboration of the District's economic and social development plan for 2010 have been discussed.

Thu, 05/11/2009 - 17:48

The water supply resumed in Tskhinval

The breakdown at the Edis-Tskhinval water pipeline has been repaired. Today morning, the water supply to the capital of South Ossetia, Tskhinval, has been resumed.
It was earlier reported that Tskhinval remained without water due to the breakdown at Edis-tskhinval water pipeline. The breakdown occurred 3 November at the pipeline section near the village of Buzala (Djava district).

Thu, 05/11/2009 - 17:46

South Ossetia: Reduction of Risk Caused by Mines and Unexploded Ordnances

Mines and unexploded ordnances continue to kill and maim civilians during many years after a conflict has ended. To minimise the risk, it is important to raise awareness on the danger posed by these explosive remnants of war (ERW) among the population and offer alternative solutions.

Tue, 03/11/2009 - 17:54

The Government of South Ossetia Discussed Power Supply Issues

The First Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zelig held a working meeting with the Heads of District Administrations of South Ossetia. The Director General of the State Unitary Enterprise “Energo-Resurs – South Ossetia” Alan Gabaraev attended the meeting.
The discussion focused on the issues related to road connection with between the city and rural areas of the Republic.
Alan Gabaraev reported on electricity cuts off during the weekend. According to him, the problems were linked to breakdown at the main electricity line from Russia, noting that the damage was restored by South Ossetian electricians.

Mon, 02/11/2009 - 17:53

Vadim Brovtsev: The Concept for Development of Health Will be Identified by 5 November

Maxim Topilin, Deputy Minister of Health of the RF, is visiting South Ossetia. As VadimBrovtsev, the RSO Prime Minister, told RES Agency the RF Deputy Health Minister arrived in South Ossetia to settle the problems related to rehabilitation of health strictures.
“We have had a meeting, established a commission, which will prepare a technical task on rehabilitation of the Republican hospital, we have decided to try to rehabilitate children’s and adults’ policlinics before the end of the year. There were no allocations for the rehabilitation of these sites but we will settle this issue in the nearest future”, said Brovtsev.
