Eduard Kokoity: The Investment Program Envisages Everything That Is Necessary for the Development of South Ossetia

пн, 28/02/2011 - 17:22

The activities of the Inter-Governmental Commission for Socio-Economic Cooperation between South Ossetia and the Russian Federation marks the transition to the new stage in the relations between the two states, and this will help avoid past unfavorable criticism in relation to the implementation of the complex plan of the Republic's rehabilitation, stated the South Ossetian President Eduard Kokoity at the press-briefing in Vladikavkaz following the third session of the Inter-Governmental Commission. "The Inter-Governmental Commission is based on parity approach. South Ossetian and Russian sides are equally represented in the Commission. All sites needed for social and economic development of South Ossetia are envisaged within the Investment Program", noted the President.
He expressed his belief that the next session of the Commission to be held in South Ossetia, would bring certain results.

"We need to work hard for many things were destroyed and the people are waiting for concrete changes. There is a potential, and there are structures created in South Ossetia that would be capable to solve the problems independently. It also indicates the fact that the Republic is moving forward", stated Kokoity.
He informed that the Investment program budgeted funds for purchase of upgraded machinery for construction of infrastructures sites to be used by South Ossetian organizations. "This needs specialists who should be trained", said the president.
He also informed on the initiative suggested by South Ossetia on creation of permanent control body comprised of Russian and South Ossetian relevant officials to jointly control the implementation of the Investment program. "Today, there is already a joint South Ossetian-Russian Prosecutor Generals' Offices group which when necessary could also get engaged in this work. It means we want to make the process of allocation and implementation of funds as transparent as possible", underlined Kokoity.
In his turn, the Prime Minister of South Ossetia Vadim Brovtsev stated that for the purpose of the Investment Program, the Ministries and government agencies of South Ossetia should be staffed with specialists the shortage of which existed in the Republic. "We are seriously working on this", noted Brovtsev. He also reported that the session of the Inter-Governmental Commission focused on the possibility of Trade Agreement to be signed between the RF and SO. "The construction materials imported to the Republic need customs clearance and other formalities, hence, the construction becomes more expensive and it also caused delays. If we focus on the discussion and, possibly, signing of this agreement, it would be a serious step forward in the Russian-South Ossetian relationships", stated the Prime Minister.

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