Alexander Shushukin: the 4th Russian military base – is a guarantor of peace in South Ossetia

чт, 02/02/2012 - 11:38

The presence of the Russian troops in South Ossetia is guarantee of peace and creation of the Republic. It has been said to journalists by the Acting President of South Ossetia Vadim Brovtsev after the solemn parade held in the territory of the fourth Russian military base in Tskhinval on the third anniversary of formation of the base. "Today we can state unequivocally that presence of the Russian troops in a territory of the Republic of South Ossetia is guarantee of peace, creation and restoration of peaceful life in our independent country", -Acting President has said. He has noted that there is friendly and trust relationship between Russian soldiers and population of South Ossetia, as well as the Russian-South Ossetian relations are in general.

"Ossetians are in excellent terms with Russians and, of course, people of our Republic always welcome and thank representatives of the military contingent of the Russian Federation for their presence and service to South Ossetia", - said Brovtsev. In turn, the base commander, Major-General Alexander Shushukin has noted that within three years the military personnel of the base are involved in training and performing service tasks at the outposts, providing peace and stability in the Russia's southern borders and directly in the territory of South Ossetia. "Combat training activities makes it possible to live in peace, to be guarantors of peace in South Ossetia and, accordingly, to carry out official tasks set by the Government of the Russian Federation. The basis for these tasks is interaction with the Border Control Agency of the Russian Federation and the security forces of South Ossetia", - Shushukin said. According to him, all required conditions are created for the militants and this process is still in progress. "In the short run, in April, we'll have new buildings - it's the soldiers 'and officers' residences, and, accordingly, every officer will have service accommodation. Conditions are normal, acceptable,"- the base commander has told. He has also said that the base got new military equipment and arms and this enables to perform effectively their tasks. It should be reminded that today the Guards military base of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation is celebrating the third anniversary of its formation. Solemn parade of the military contingent has taken place in the territory of the base in Tskhinval. The militants have been congratulated by the Acting President of South Ossetia Vadim Brovtsev, the Russian Ambassador to South Ossetia Elbrus Kargiev, command of the Border Control Agency of the Russian Federation Federal Security Service in South Ossetia.

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