Vadim Brovtsev tells about the results of his working visit to Moscow

сб, 10/07/2010 - 16:57

The Chairman of the Government of South Ossetia Vadim Brovtsev reported on the results of his visit to Moscow to the RSO President Eduard Kokoity.
"During the visit, we managed to agree with the Russian Stock Company RAO EES on stabilization of the prices for electricity supply", said Brovtsev. We have signed an agreement on gradual increase of the price for electricity. In fact, according to this agreement, the price will be increasing until 2013 up to 2,2 RUR. Hence, the RAO EES expects us to improve the collection of consumption fees from the population."

Besides, according to him a draft agreement on the construction of gas station in South Ossetia was also signed in Moscow.
"The RF RAO EES will be constructing it. We still have substantial work ahead in this field", he said. In his turn, Eduard Kokoity thanked Vadim Brovtsev for the work done. "Taking into account the fact that the RF is now increasing the energy price for third countries, I would like to thank the Russian Federation for understanding of the problems in South Ossetia", said Kokoity. According to him, it woul be necessary to thing over the policy in the use of the hydro-energy potential, since there are such capacities in the Republic. The president has also raised the problem of collection of electricity and gas consumption fees before the government. "Significant funds are donated, therefore the collection rate is low, and the task of the government is to assign relevant structures to toughen the control and increase the collection", underlined Kokoity. "If we succeed in saving funds, we will manage increasing the collection rate up to 100 %, and if so, we can think of increasing the salaries in other sectors – health and education." Eduard Kokoity also suggested thinking over the possibility to introduce new technologies in this sphere in South Ossetia. "The collection rate would then increase", he underlined.

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